Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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KHA0TIC's Application [Approved - Alaila]


4. Male
7.I think role playing is a great thing to do, it gives you lots of creativity, and you get be to be who ever you want to be. And I do have lots of role playing experience, I play lots of online games that have a lot to do with role playing, and I play D&D (The paper and Pen version and the video game).
8. I’m a pretty strange guy I think, I like and do things that have nothing to do with the other. For instance, I play the bagpipes but I also am interested in Ancient Egypt. Pretty strange right? Anyway here’s other stuff I like and do. For some reason I love to role play as an ork, I’m not sure why I just do. I also like to role play as a thief. I obviously like building games like minecraft, but I also like medieval and fantasy games to. I also love a genre of books, fashion, games, and machinery called Steampunk. Its fantasy mixed with alternate history and the Victorian style (I don’t want to go into what that is so its basically 19th century fashion). I also like medieval Scotland history, I just find it interesting. So that’s about everything I could think of so I hope that helps.
9. Sorry I don’t have any pictures :/.
11. yes

This is actually the third application that I've posted, not because I'm impatient, but because my other ones either got moved or deleted. I'm not sure why so please inform me what's happening.


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'm going to approve your application. Please behave and have fun. :p
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