Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lure & Line - We need ye'r fish!


Lord of Altera
I'm sure Aspen would love to spend a little time fishing down at the docks. Alden might like it too, but somebody'd have to teach him first. For that matter, somebody'd have to tell him what fish were. For that matter, somebody'd have to explain oceans to him...


King ForumStalker
No, I meant, I have not been to the place yet. Isn't there a way to /home or get back up somehow? I find it implausible to drown in the Northern Kingdoms.
/home has a certain cast time, and before that time passes i'll have eaten you, so you in water = eaten


I think I might like it here
I'm interested in having fish shipped to the floating cities, freshly cooked. Rota Magna is high above the clouds, far from the sea, and good fish is hard to find. Contact me and we'll set something permanent up.


Lord of Altera
I'm interested in having fish shipped to the floating cities, freshly cooked. Rota Magna is high above the clouds, far from the sea, and good fish is hard to find. Contact me and we'll set something permanent up.
There are floating cities?! Somebody's gotta show me these sometime! :O