Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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(maddog3398)-application [Approved - NiNi]


About you:
Username: maddog3398
Age: 15
Location: USA
Read guides: No, plan To when I get more free time
Inroduction: I am a lesbian girl, so don't judge me. I'm here to liveout my medieval fanatic.
Im ready to play and have a butt load of fun. my friend the awesome one is also signing up. I have been playing minecraft for about 1 year.

My character name: Dawn alborn
Age: 19
Race: human
Appearance: I have black hair, with two pony tails. My clothes are rugged and patched all over.

Character life story(test?): My father and mother were very adventurous people, also very irresponsible. On there adventure north to Rhukan Draal they had a baby. they named her Dawn, because she was born in the early morning. the parents continued their journey with their new born child. After a few months of traveling a group of savages attacked my family, killing my Mom and heavily injuring my father. My father managed to kill All the savages He knew he wouldn't live to see me grow old. He decided it was time to give up on his journey and return to Port silver. When he arrived he put me in his brothers care. He entrusted a note two his brother's wife. The note read, Dawn... I love you and I hope you grow to become a very strong. I give you my armor, you wont be able to fit in it so i hope you can find a black smith to smelt it into something useful. Now I'm 19 years old, I have committed my whole life to killing bandits and savages. don't follow any religion or army. I live off the money a scavenge from dead bodies. I use my Scythe made from my fathers armor. People look down on me like i'm some kind of monster. I hate the wealth because they think they are better than me. I believe people born with a silver spoon feeding them are weak and blind of the true evil world they live in. A few years later I was hunting for food when I heard some people fighting in the forest near a huge mountain. I started moving towards the sound, as I got near the vegetation cleared and i had a clear visual of what was happening. A man was fighting some savages, he was clearly losing the fight so I started to think about helping him. I weighed my options and finally decided to go and help. I knew that if I helped I would have to take most of the savages out with one blow or the would start to fight back and most likely kill me. I found the best direction and went for it, as I rushed in I prepared my scythe for a huge swing. As soon I was in reach I went for the swing and cut all 3 of the savages in half. The man looked at me with a very surprised and thankful face. I looked at him and asked why he was holding his arm. He told me he was climbing up this cliff when he fell a broke his arm. I lead him back to town where he could get some medical help from some one. on the walk their I was very hesitant to talk to him, He wouldn't stop asking questions. He told me his name was Gotlieb Felb, a adventurer who seems to like painting and writing. I told him my name as we entered town and he invited me to his home later so i accepted. That night I arrived at a house with a gravel path and flower garden to the side. I knocked on the door and Gotllieb answered with a very happy mood. He seemed surprised to see me with my scythe. "Why did you bring a weapon" he asked. I told him I never go anywhere without my scythe. He told me to come in and sit down so we could talk in a more comfortable. As soon as we sat down he asked me how I grew up, I told him my long and boring story and as I was nearing the end he put his hand on my shoulder and told me that there was nothing to fear. I grabbed his hand and twisted it into the most painful position I could and told him that I wasn't some kinda idiot girl who was gonna fall for some silly tricks. He told me that he would never do that. After he said that I almost started to cry. No one has ever looked at me that seriously and told me something so reassuring. He told me that if I couldn't find a place to stay I could stay in the guest room upstairs. After a few months I moved in completely and me and Gotieb started doing more activities together.Ah, Port Silver, what a fantastic place. It always has something going on. Right now, a sweet smell of fresh baked goods hung in the air. My friend, Gotlieb, had already noticed the scent and was leading us straight to the bakery responsible. It could be about time that we've had some fresh, warm bread, instead of just soup.
Inside the Bakery, it was warm and the scent was irresistible. So I sat down while Gotlieb went up and purchased a few goods with the scavenged radiants from dead bandits. Part of my natural instincts demand that I take a quick survey of the room and determine possible threats, even though I should be perfectly safe. In one corner I notice A couple of dwarves arguing over a pie. In another I see a Corrupted Elf smiling at his bread, possibly waiting for it to cool. I'm pretty sure he must have stolen for that bread, Corrupted Elves are terrible people. Over by the brick oven is a bag of coal, the bag was seemingly close to the brick oven. Too close.
Gotlieb returned with two bread loaves and the ingredients for a pumpkin pie. Why? I'm not sure.
"Listen Gotlieb, I think the coal bag over there is going to light the whole place. We should try and hurry out of here now."
"Looks like you may be right, let's just head out side for now. We're done here for now anyways."
"Yeah, and I have a bad feeling about that Corrupted Elf over there."
"Don't be paranoid. Let's go."
After we walked out of the doors, there was a large crack sound that came from inside. Possibly the fire caught the bag and created that sound. A roar of flames could now be heard really loudly and the temperature was rising fast. Gotlieb and I ran to hold the doors open for all the people to escape. Once everyone was out, except for the horrible Corrupted Elf, I convinced Gotlieb that everyone was outside and safe, and to let go of the doorway.
He did so, and I went and checked on everyone to make sure they were alright. The baker was in the worst condition, due to this being his life's work. I glanced around and couldn't find Gotlieb anywhere. I heard glass shatter around the back, so I ran to find out what happened. That's when I see Gotlieb had rescued the Corrupted Elf. I recognized that the Elf had yelled something at Gotlieb in Mok'yra, probably a curse no less.
Gotlieb walked over to me and told me about the Elf. He claimed that the Elf was harmless, but I trust my instincts first. They said that all Corrupted Elves are born evil and are evil. So, Gotlieb and I walked home.
{The Next Night}
"Hey Dawn," Gotlieb walked into the kitchen where I was preparing the pumpkin pie for us. "Remember that Elf guy I rescued?"
"Yes? What about him?"
"I sort of--" *knock at the door* "Invited him for dinner."
"What!? Why would you do that!? They are evil!"
"You don't know that! They could be just misunderstood by people like you! Can you just go answer the door?"
"Ugh, alright."
Opening the door, I came to a small surprise. He was smiling. It's probably a devious one, so I'll keep my guard up.
"Oh... You're that Corrupted Elf that Gotlieb rescued.." I glared him down.
"Well, uh, hello there? You must be Dawn? May I come in?" He attempts another smile, probably trying to deceive me.
"I guess you could. Just don't lie your dirty fingers on anything or else I'll cut you!"
"Hey hey hey! Dawn, calm down. Maybe grab some fresh air. I'll show our new friend around." Gotlieb cut in. He should be watching the pie.
"Yeah, alright. I'll be back in a bit."
I walked out to my small row of flowers and started judging them. They all were stupid, they are small and unimpressive. They don't server any purpose whatsoever. Why are they here? Oh yeah, because Gotlieb suggested them. Then again, it does give me something to focus my anger on. In the window, the Corrupted Elf. He is staring, almost mesmerized into a separate dimension altogether. What is he looking at? My Scythe! Why how dare he!
"OUCH!" a spider just bit me! Ugh, the little pest just ran off. This is why I shouldn't go outside to work on these flowers. This bite really hurts, I think I have a headache. Into the kitchen I go.
"Ouch, this bite really hurts." I held out my arm to show Gotlieb
"What is it? When did you get it?"
"Just a bit ago, while I was outside, a small spider bit me."
"Here let me see it." The Corrupted Elf walked in.
"Why should I let you near it!?Ouch!" Ok, this really hurts. Maybe he can do something, I have my knife in my pocket with my other hand around it in case he does something. "Ok, you can look at it."
"This swelling, you have cave spider toxin in your blood. Let me check if I have something for it on me."
"How could you tell that so quickly?"
"I've had some practice. Here, take this Anti-Toxin. It should help clear it out of the bloodstream." He gave me an antidote of some sort. I applied it and the pain went away almost instantly.
"Thanks, you can go over and have a piece of pie. I'm sorry that I have judged you a little too soon."
"It's no problem. I have gotten used to it."(I got help from sywind to combine our stories)(plz read wesley gunnels application)

Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
You forgot the "Test" section. :O
The test

To help us give your application the seal of approval we'd like to see an example of your role playing skill. This is an opportunity for us to see your story telling skills and also get to know your character's thoughts and mannerisms. Both of these things are really important to us!

On the whole, we do not encourage that you give a violent introduction to your character. We'd much rather see what you've learned about Altera's lore and the existing towns. We have no specific scenario to use, so use your imagination! (Please note we are working on this and hope to include it in future amendments to the form.)

How you want to write this is very much up to you but we encourage that you are as descriptive as possible. Remember; this is your best chance to showcase your character! It doesn't have to be very long (we suggest you aim for 400-1000 words) and you can always come back and change it for your character profile at a later time using the edit button. However, without this section we cannot get a good understanding of your character.
Edit: Ah, sorry. I must have missed that when I looked at it. :)


Im a little confused here, your character is 19, but in the test it states he is 25.. Care to explain?


Alrighty, you'll be happy to know that orders from the top tell me to approve straight up now without the questions, so here you go =]


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)

Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Where to vote for us
Tips on roleplay
How to use the forum
Hollow World Texture pack
Role-Play training camp
The Players' Handbook
The Role-Play Character Assistance Team(RP-CAT)

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.