Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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"(Marbo_CREEEEED)-application" [Approved - Ced]

1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are you?

Logansport, Indiana, United states

4) Have you read our guides yet?

5) Introduce yourself!

My name Is Parker McAdams. I am currently enrolled at Ivy Tech Community College and I am working towards eventually getting my PHD in Materials engineering. I am the president of our college gaming club and I enjoy all types of art and most games. I have extensive experience with Role playing in D&D and Pathfinder and I am fairly familiar with Minecraft.
I never have been particularly good at art but it fascinates me. I paint (mostly miniatures and scenery for Warhammer 40k), I draw, I theory-craft constantly and I write a bit. I enjoy baking and playing the guitar and would also be happy to while away the hours playing Skyrim on any given day.
6) Got any examples of your work?

I have started writing a Fan fic for OFF but it is a fairly obscure game and I don't want to post it unless I know there are some OFF fans here (otherwise the story would make no sense).

7) Referrer: (Optional)

Rudimentaryflava (she is from Westerway)

About your character

Morgrym Brightsteel





Morgrym will be very generic. Unassuming attire, dark hair and dark eyes.


The test

I remember setting out from home like it was yesterday; the memory fresh despite a fortnight of new experiences . I started out a little late with my brother leaving at 16 shortly after his coming of age. Growing up a farmers son, I had some experience with basic smithery helping Pa fix tools and make horseshoes so it seemed logical to instead become an apprentice with the local blacksmith to save some coin for travel (I decided years ago that when I left home, I would travel as far as I could from this dreary hamlet). After my 3 years as an apprentice, I had enough coin to take me far and enough knowledge to carve myself a living wherever I landed.
After journeys through other small hamlets and a few minor towns in the back of carriages and carts, I finally saw what I had been looking for. I was sitting in the back of a peddlers cart bumping along through a small stone-walled port town when I saw a beautiful ship gliding in from the ocean. I paid the peddler for his cart space and time and went over to examine this new wonder up close.
"Port Silver!" a weather beaten man shouted "all for Port Silver make ready to stow and sail!". Realizing that I had just enough for passage, I asked him what this "Port Silver" was like. He regaled me with over an hour of glorious and rich detail describing the wonder of the town and the scope of the opportunity I could find there. It sounded like my wildest dreams had leapt out of my heart and were waiting for me at the end of one last leg of my little adventure. I paid my fare and boarded with my small sack of belongings. I saw a glimmer one day and was informed by one of the more savvy passengers that the glimmer was in fact this amazing city and that we were nearly there! I never though that I would see such a beautiful city on the horizon!


Lord of Altera
As a matter of fact, that section can contain most forms of "art" as long as it abides the server's rules properly. :)


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.
3) Remember! If you have been recommended by a friend, mention their minecraft username so they might receive a 1000 radiant reward :D


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
This seems okay so far

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.
3) Remember! If you have been recommended by a friend, mention their minecraft username so they might receive a 1000 radiant reward :D

I was going to ask if he could post some of his fiction. I am curious