Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[NationStates] Alteraball


Lord of Altera
I feel like there needs to be a little ball for the displaced regime from Volopia, Displace Corporation, which still controls enough holdings to be considered at least a minor threat to the UCV and gets dirty looks from it's sphere-shaped overthrowers. Also, all the SATO members should be glaring at the Arcturixian Protectorates, and a regional flag looking ball should be looking on at them all like a proud (and slightly concerned) parent.


Non sum qualis eram
I'm just upset because the threads make me think something cool is going on~!

Maybe put [Nationstates] at the start of them?


Lord of Altera
Makorath can be considered russian and mainly focuses are finding new ways to kill enemies of papa Arcturix and making fun of other less militaristic protecterates.


Lord of Altera
It's not alteraball, but I felt it belonged here nonetheless. In fact, I think I might just change this thread to "artwork general". Anyway, here's all of Legisa's representatives doing their thing.

legisa reps.jpg


Lord of Altera
I didn't even notice there were multiple Legisa reps. I need to pay attention more.


Lord of Altera
I didn't even notice there were multiple Legisa reps. I need to pay attention more.
Hierophant Vyacheslav is Legisa's representative in the Democratic Council, Archbishop Dmitri is representing Legisa in Arcturix at the moment, King Vyacheslav handles diplomacy, and his son, Prince Jaromir is dealing with (I guess he's done now) the whole Mechanica space bridge thing.