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[NationStates] Region Reset Discussion


Retired Staff
Auto-Meritocracy: Benevolent Dictator, decided by Skill

Current Leader: Óðinn Hafsveinn

Language spoken: Binir (A Nordic language spoken in a low register)

Caracteristics: Highly Isolationist; Growth-aligned, with focus on defense, industry, and welfare; Highly distrusting of opposing cultures, and focused almost entirely on development of industry and technology. The people are patriotic and motivated - in a meritocracy, the best is encouraged from everyone.

Culture: Mechanica Rationalis, Nordic style, with a focus on earning one's place in society and protecting each other and the homeland.

History: Soonish


Lord of Altera
The Rogue Nation of Kado-Kintu Sammaru (Sammaru in NS)

Current Leader: the Seventh-Street Peace Mongers (or, the Traficante da Paz)

Overview: some kind of alternate history where ireland was right next to korea and mexico, all three countries got taken over by portugal, and street gangs took over the government in the 1970s, so now the leaders of the new country are determined by a gigantic turf war once every ten years.
I don't know, ok?

Ruled over by street gangs. yes, street gangs. while the concept of outlaws becoming the law seems downright barbaric, the system somehow manages to work, or at least not fall apart entirely. while these different gangs often war with each other, a set of elaborate rules ensures that these wars happen in an orderly manner. the leaders are determined by the "Pogleya Rumble," an event once every ten years where the strongest gangs send their champions to duke it out in a national tournament to determine which gang gets to determine national policy.

the many tribes of the region were subjugated long ago by the empire of _____ (maybe someone else can work w me here), which was generally too authoritarian. their biggest mistake was their racial policy, placing the 30 or so ethnic groups into dirty slums, then making it so upward mobility from those slums was nigh-impossible. predictably, the downtrodden peoples, desperate to improve their standing, would turn to crime and smuggling, often violent crime. when police forces would inevitably come in to uphold the law and keep the peace, altercations would turn violent. oftentimes, said police found it much easier to racially profile miscreants rather than waste time worrying if someone was suspicious or not. very quickly, there came to be a great distrust of the police force, which was soon perceived as a tool of oppression. criminals became organized, forming gangs with the intention of forming solidarity between groups and to better help fellow blood brothers escape enforcers. while some groups were concerned only with money by any means necessary, there came to be many groups that were more socially aware, and realized the need for community outreach, to be a force of justice, real justice. many of these gangs fought each other violently, forming many turf wars. this strife would reach a head when a gang of petty thieves were rooted out, arrested, and executed publicly by firing squad.
a group of the five largest gangs, realizing these turf wars were merely distracting from the real enemy. they arranged a meeting, with the leaders of each chapter of these five groups. upon that meeting, they made an agreement, forming a system mutually beneficial for all outlaw organizations that adopted it. this system was formally written, and called the "Ley de las Calles." as other gangs began to adopt the Ley de las Calles, this unification would begin to make them a more powerful, more dangerous force. this came about during a time of great protest, when the government was particularly corrupt and the people didn't like it. while the Ley de las Calles stoked the flames of revolution, a poorly-timed budgeting decision placed severe cuts on the police and military departments.

the capitol burned down from the flames of molotovs, and the government was swiftly deposed in bloody civil war. the victorious criminal outlaws thusly became the law.

Economy: probably an Actual Mess.
Exports: Sheep, Silk, Pizza, Cider, Drugs, Weapons, Robotics (apparently)*

National Anthem: Fear a Bhata (yes, I'm serious)
Languages: oh god. so many. too many.
Religion: one religion is monotheistic (and I cant decide what monotheistic religion), but it was introduced by the previous government, so its not very popular. most of the populace decides to worship a pantheon of terrifying demons (5 death gods. 5.)
Ethnic Groups (most prevalent): Imperalis, Bunalik, Alali, Abajao, Sioti

Terrain of the Land: an apparently* rather diverse region, encompassing temperate to tropical climes. also lotsa caves.

*in case anyone is wondering, I use "apparently" in this context to refer to stuff that I'm expressing a mild degree of doubt in. there's your daily lesson in gaby-speak.

EDIT: made the nation officially, and it's hilarious. "The Rogue Nation of Sammaru is a fledgling, socially progressive nation, notable for its complete lack of prisons" I wonder why there's no prisons. gee.
"Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown." can't be a crime if there's no law against it lol
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Lord of Altera
Jingoistic States

Millitant Socialist. Council held by political heads for national electoral leader. Prioritizes culture, defense, and economy. Legal capital punishment. Half of the council seats are reserved for high ranking military personnel.

Not very religious, though susceptible.

Culture: Polygamist, culturalist, and industrialist. Men are pushed to enhance the countries welfare, military, and economy. Women, especially mothers, are well respected, and are encouraged to show as much skin that decency allows. No private sector, socialism to the max. Little tourism and travelling. Illegal immigrants are to be executed publicly. Colleges divide into three academies which are military, industry/economics, and/or culture. Citizens are one disaster away for weapons are to be taken from them. Music varies; though, traditional music fits into the Merengue genre, so do their dance. The Spanish Language with the Croakian dialect.

Legislative movements(So Far):
  • Compulsory Military Service
  • Strictly Policed and Enforced Laws
  • Imports Regulations
Need to sit with @Scardrac


Lord of Altera
Socialist Industrialist Republic

Government: Quasi-democratic, with voting rights requiring a college-level course in politics and with a lack of maximum term length, with officials staying in office until elected out. Single transferable vote system utilized.

Economy: 100% Government and state-owned, with a large capitalist-built industrial base, now nationalized.

Working on Culture, History, Etc.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Sorry I'm late to the party.
New Drezado
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Leader: Josue Serrenzo
Languages Spoken: Spanish, Catalan, Basque
Government: Socialist, Democratic
Culture: Divided by language differences. Multiple groups brought together by revolution, spawns differences today.

History: Serrenzo rose to power in a communist revolution. It is speculated that the rebels were trained by foreign powers. The nation has historically been based on agriculture but Serrenzo has turned to arms manufacturing, and mining to bring the economy back up to speed with the times. Corperations are state owned.
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