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[Nationstates] The 35th Kogatan Series


Lord of Altera
(am I late to this)

did some Sammari ruffians break in?
yes, but they had tickets, so it's ok.

... they're not representatives. the Traficantes took their VIP tickets, and made them part of the "prize money" in a lottery. so essentially, a bunch of citizens got exclusive VIP tickets. you could talk to them, but they're clearly only interested in some good ol besbaw.

there is, however, one man who... could be considered a representative of Sammaru's nonexistent government.

everybody welcome the godfather of the Traficantes da Paz:

I uh. don't have a name for him...


Lord of Altera
(This thread is more or less dead, if people want to revive it to play as their reps or leaders feel free to continue but obviously don't feel obligated to. By now most if not all present would be watching the game take place in the VIP lounge )