Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Pokemon Go


Lord of Altera
Mystic here, yay.

Three step bug is infuriating. Hope we see a fix for that soon. But if not, I've got a wonderful three-pokestop overlap area at the nearby university that is constantly lure'd up, so even if I can't chase pokes down I'm still getting lure spawns and pokestop spins constantly.
*Sits in house with Iphone 4 while eye twitches*
This is fine, I can wait...


The Mogul of Cromarcky
*Sits in house with Iphone 4 while eye twitches*
This is fine, I can wait...
I don't know who your cell service provider is, but I had the exact same issue earlier this week. Found I could get a new phone (Galaxy S7) for $27 a month, and they would in turn take $25/month off my phone bill. So, I'm paying two bucks a month for a new phone. Check your provider to see what deals they have. I put off getting a phone for over a year thinking I didn't have the money to get one; don't make that same mistake.


Lord of Altera
I don't know who your cell service provider is, but I had the exact same issue earlier this week. Found I could get a new phone (Galaxy S7) for $27 a month, and they would in turn take $25/month off my phone bill. So, I'm paying two bucks a month for a new phone. Check your provider to see what deals they have. I put off getting a phone for over a year thinking I didn't have the money to get one; don't make that same mistake.
family used to have that, but it cost too much ;~; RIP me...


Dark Council Elite
I took over a level 8 gym on the way to work today and killed a pokedude 400 CP higher than me

now it's mystic, btfo valor garbage


Lord of Altera
We have a crazy amount of Zubats and Pidgeys in our area that it's not even funny anymore. ;_;
Pro Tip: Catch them all, use a lucky egg, evolve them all! Easy XP and if you fill your Pokemon storage you will most likely be able to jump 2 levels


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Im out of Pokeballs and France has no pokestops nor gyms. FML


Really hope the image isn't too big