Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Returning to Consent


There are a vast, vast amount of players that come together here in HollowWorld and pressuring one way of doing things against another way of doing a perfectly fine thing is not encouraged.
I don't see where along the line it becomes a sin to say "If you're not prepared for the consequences of your actions, then don't take the actions." The discussion never moves anywhere and no changes are ever even considered, yet we keep having issue time and time again. I'm tired of the complaints concerning consent being scoffed off as "you're forcing your roleplay style on others" when it has nothing to do with that - It's constantly abused and even when we report to staff nothing is done. In fact, I've stopped, because the one abusing consent always is favoured.
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
We do try to look at reach report careful. Some ending up as false alarms, some having need to have consent enforced, some where people did not talk out actions and the other side is upset for valid reasons that usually revolve around metagaming, powergaming, etc.

I'll direct you to this which you've already seen:
-as we're trying to make things more clearer for both sides that actions do bring consequences, but consequences don't have to be dire depending on what action is taken.