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Scariest Video Game Moment?


I'm not sure if this thread has been created or not before, but...
What is the scariest video game moment you have ever played, and why?
Mine is my first ever time playing Slender. I quit halfway through, only to resume playing about an hour later. I realize now that Slender isn't that scary, but on my first time it was.


Lord of Altera
Well it's either Lydia dying, or...
Being startled to death on Dead Island(see what I did there?).


Legend of Altera
Scariest video game moment... the 30 minutes I played of Amnesia. That game is just plain scary. No other word to describe it... except confusing.


Lord of Altera
Scariest video game moment... the 30 minutes I played of Amnesia. That game is just plain scary. No other word to describe it... except confusing.
Same here but for my main part, the sewer part with the patrolling sword arm guy.


Legend of Altera
Oh yeah... any part with the monsters gave me the chills... I didn't WANT to be found, and when you feel that, that's when you know a game is scary.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Playing through Ravenholm in HL2 ( i was around 12)
The 8th level of I wanna be the guy.


Lord of Altera
>show friend Amnesia: the dark descent.
>Friend is extremely displeased with the lack of fighting mechanics.
>first sight of an enemy, friend picks up a hammer and tosses it at enemy
>Toss misses.
>Friend runs past enemy a good thirty feet (enemies usually walk slowly)
>Picks up hammer.
>turns around.
> This. amnesia-the-dark-descent-gatherer.jpeg
>Friend throws my mouse across the room, falls back in my chair.
>Broken chair.
>Mouse is fine :heart:
>friend now refuses to use my computer.


Legend of Altera
xD That is my experiences with the game... Although, instead of throwing a hammer at it, I ran straight towards it, and tried to burn it with my lantern... Fun times!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Eh... playing Silent Hill with my mother when I was little-er. Or my first time playing Dead Space.... My first time playing Slender, it was in the middle of the day, and music was playing throughout the room and the game was muted.


Lord of Altera
>father takes family to a trip to the mountains.
>first time seeing snow & such.
>Brought along game consoles just incase of a snow-in.
>Begins playing silent hill.
>Hears actual siren blare outside somewhere as the snowfall increases (I think it was a blizzard warning >_>)
>Proceeds to hide in the corner of the room, mag light in hand.


>Playing F.E.A.R
>First alma jump-scare
>my book case (about ten feet away, and about six feet tall.) decides to fall down at exact same time.
>Left the xbox off for a good month after that >_>


Legend of Altera
For those who have arachnophobia, playing the beginning of Limbo should suffice for scariness...


Legend of Altera
True. That is perhaps one of the most frightening things... especially when you ask the question how she could even do that...


My scariest moment:
Playing Fallout new vegas, ran out of bullets, with low unarmed skill, in a building FULL of gouels.
You can 'ear 'em, but ye can't see 'em!
And when you turn the corner to see a bloody nightskin staring at you, I s*** myself, and legged it. I ended up running into a basement, which was FULL of nightskins, which was a bad idea.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a god for saken nightskin with a hammer FLIES ove and and lands in front of me, lagging like heck, and then hits me, knocking me backwards, killing me.
I reloaded the game, with one bullet, then went around the corner, and turned a stealth boy on.


Then of course, there IS SCP containment Breach.
But that speaks for itself.