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Slayers 2: Slay Harder

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Lord of Altera
MC Name: Conmaster13
RP Name: Krimil Thorinsson
Race: Dwarf
House: Yearnen
Reasons for joining: To help build and work for the Slayers
Anything else you want to add: I can fight, but it isn't my main factor


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
By the end of this week, traveling to neighboring cities will be done through the Heaven's Reach harbour.
To do this, we need to have a ship in HR and in the other city so we can place the portals.
The HR Builders Guild can even provide you with a fantastic ship if you want to.
Please let me know where you want to have the ship and we will place it.


Lord of Altera
Ok, getting back to the subject of The Slayers, is there anything that I can do while I still have some free time till this Friday evening?

The Roman Emporer

Lord of Altera
MC Name: RobotBrom
RP Name: Roman Artificis
Race: Dwarf
House: Yearnen
Reasons for joining: So that I can view the foul creatures and walk the halls of the prison at night, causing them misery with my singing! (also want to help sethy-poo build Secretum)
Anything else you want to add: Nope :)


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I would suggest adding the earthspawn and greylings because they are truly monstrous (even if they are playable races they are still the type of prey the slayers would hunt down), since it seems the target groups are not all evil. I like what you have here, seems like a really cool order. also you may want to add spiritblessed and darkblooded and witches to your list of monsters as they are dangerous and misunderstood creatures.

also the highest powers of altera are religious fanatics (it's hard not to be fanatical when a god actually speaks to you) and if the slayers are a down with the man type of group they will need to be underground and secretive to survive. the alternative could be that they are a branch of the inquisition in which case they could operate much more freely and with the blessing of the gods (something that comes in handy).

just a few thoughts, do with it what you like. most importantly have fun and try not to cause anyone to rage quit cause you keep hunting their character. :)


Lord of Altera
Wooo we got lore-maker approval!
Slayers Assemble! (I can say that now that I'm a slayer right? <.< )


Lord of Altera
Yus you can Rox
Thanks for the advise Fitz, I've got some stuff me and Jag will be developing off now, especially with other races/traits to hunt. We'll take it all into consideration
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