Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Spanishmaraca [Declined - Cukie1]

1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. How old are you

3. What country are you from?

United Kingdom.

4. Have you read the King's Law, Tome of Citizenship, Official Lore, and the Survival Guides yet?
Yes, I've read all four of the threads.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming: When a player is aware of OOC knowledge but that the character is not meant to be aware of.

Powergaming: Giving yourself an advantage or progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations to RP and lore of the server.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Name one of our current Mentors.

  1. 223hero7 (223Hero7)BrianAT16 (BrianAT16, BrainAT16, AdamantiAT16)Cukie1 (Cukie1, Fjor_Wilkstrom)Glados (Glados__, Centurion_)Sizzix (Sizzix3507, Sizzix_Alt)Snerus (Snerus)Squidziod (Squidziod, DoolinDesperado)Tempy_ (Tempy_)
Can you make this question more clear for future/new players. I spent ages trying to find this. More time than I should.

8. Tell us about yourself!
There's nothing really exciting about me to be honest. But as you know already I live in the United Kingdom and yes I drink tea. However my boring life consist of studying BA sociology at University, getting smashed on the weekend (Getting smashed: Slang for the excessive intake of alcohol enough to become intoxicated ), then recovering from my hangover, living for the sesh (Sesh: Slang for An abbriviation of the word session, may relate to drinking, smoking pot, excessive computer gaming or anything else that lasts a prolonged period of time.) other than that, I love watching/reading the Game Of Throne series. Right now, Game Of Thrones is my life... Music tastes can range from Nirvana, Foo Fighters, The Smiths, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Depeche Mode, Arctic Monkeys and the list goes on.

9. Do you have any examples of your work?
Yes, I use to work for a build team known as FyreUk.
1. Evidence(Skip to 2:32 and 11:39):

2. Evidence of Timelapse:

I've been involved in many timelapses over the years. However my personal work/builds are more complex and very skilled. (Placing pictures/images in here is a pain.)
10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?

About Your Character!

Character Name: Rahaenys Of House Mercia

Character Age: 18

Character Race:

Appearance: Rahaenys has silver-gold, well groomed which hangs over a lean, friendly face and dark lilac eyes within their sockets, watch delightfully. He is considered to be tall standing at six and known to be very handsome. Rahaenys stood out from many nobles and lords due to his set of armor. This set of armor has a squared helm with a face guard shaped in the face of a god. Attached to its side are two stag antler shaped ornaments.
The shoulders are rounded, long and quite large. They're decorated with several rows of small, sharp spikes. Each row reaches from side to side.The upper arms are protected by chainmail rerebraces which sit quite well under the shoulderplates. The lower arms are covered by vambraces which have a row of long, curved spikes on the outer sides.The breastplate is made from a couple of layers of metal, mimicking dragon scales. It covers the entire front and back side, but the attachment straps leave the sides under the arms exposed. The breastplate decorated with the sigil of house Mercia.
The upper legs are covered by squared, fully covering cuisses. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have several layered metal sheets on the outer sides.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Haven't made one yet.

Written Test!

The Mercians are the blood of the Stag, descended from the high lords of the ancient freehold of Arkadia, their heritage proclaimed in striking, beauty, with lilac eyes and hair of silver and platinum white. The banner of house Mercia is a stag. Stag representing Maegar the founder of House Mercia. It's well known within the lands of Arkadia that Maegar would ride into battle on a stag. Although house Mercia may hold rich lands within Arkadia, Rahaenys' father demands to expand their legacy within other lands far from Arkadia. Prince Rahaenys is now tasked to find new lands and help expand their ancient house.For his age he holds more responsibility than an average man or woman. Rahaenys and his small fleet which could only carry few supplies to last the season reached new promising lands. The ships swarmed to the nearest bay allowing soldiers to unload supplies. The voices of the soldiers are all but drowned out completely in the barrage of noise around them. Most speak of home, others speak of the unknown which lies ahead as they unload the horses and other supplies. Rahaenys' banner man Sir Hornhill blasted the horn, the blast of the horn echoed across the lands as the ground trembles as an small force of 2000 men form up and marches forward as if a single being. Every step in perfect harmony with the others, there's not a single creature around for miles who's unaware of this army. Up close it's the sound of chainmail and armor clashing together which overpowers all other sounds. The front is lead by the "Young stag" known as Rahaenys and shortly followed by his banner men from numerous loyal, noble houses in Arkadia. Behind them are eager charge units armed with pikes. They're followed by foot soldiers armed with powerful two handed swords, who in turn are followed by elite crossbow units with deadly precision. The ranks are filled with many other regiments including allied soldiers from other Noble houses such as Hornhill, Several cavalry cavalry units, various flanking units and several defensive units. Carts of supplies stretched the land for miles in a single formation. From above it would be considered as a wooden snake stretching, weaving throughout the lands.

"Riders!" a scout shouted in fear as he rushed past on his jet black horse. Voices of soilders started to raise, spears lowered and flanking units charged into position to reduce a devastating ambush attack . Rahaenys placed his hand on the hilt of his blade. It was a fairly large, thin, curved blade made of ivory is held by a grip wrapped in brown leather. With its sharp, dual edged blade this weapon is the champion's choice and fitting for a prince. It'll crush your enemies with cleaving hack and piercing stabs through though armor. The blade has a broad, curled cross-guard, adding just enough weight to make sure the blade sits firmly in Rahaenys' hand and protecting those same hands as well. The cross guard has an elaborate curl on each side, this weapon was clearly a custom order. There were four riders approaching the Mercian force, each one hold banners of blue with white cross placed in the centre. Rahaenys raised his voice " Stand down" whilst letting go of the hilt. Commanders of each unit carried the prince's word.

The riders approached the uneasy army with care. The silver knight in the centre lifted his helm revealing his old wrinkly face and his silver white hair. An old tired voice called out "Welcome to the city of City of Amalfia, we welcome your presence travellers. Lord Delius Cottomour invite you and your men for a fest" Rahaenys looked at his banner men with confusion. No one expected to find settlements beyond the lands of Arkadia. Rahaenys gently kicked the horse to move forwards. Shorty followed by his bannermen. Rahaenys replied to the old silver Knight " We're greatful Sire. My men will camp outside your city" Two blasts of the horn and the mass army formed up and marched on. The city appeared on the horizon, the city was built along the banks of a gentle river and is truly a classic wonder. Its appearance is matched by the backdrop of rich, luscious fields which have helped shape the city to what it is today. Horn blasts exploded as the mass army got closer to the city, welcoming the new visitors. Rahaenys stepped through the gate of the city, the first steps for a new adventure.


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
Let me look this over. Give me a moment


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
I'm sorry, but your application has failed to meet the criteria listed in the application template and has been declined. Please carefully read and follow all the instructions to pass the application test.

Few things to consider:
-Purple eyes are not natural for humans, please change this. Only available to Moors.
-No armor. Players cannot have any type of armor other than leather or a gambeson.
-Silver hair is not natural for humans (Except for elder people). Silver hair is found in Silver Elves and Moor Elves.
-No advanced skills. All skills must be of novice level and are to be learned in game
-No fleet under your control.
-The whole Noble family thing is starting to cliche heavily, and I'd advise against going with such common cliches.
-No advanced weaponry, either. Regardless, a blade of Ivory would be useless in combat. (Ivory is also not found here)
-13% of your test was found to be plagiarized. (We have a strict policy about plagiarism)