Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Butcher


Settling in Altera
Hmm.. i just lost my position of head guard.... i wonder if Eminu needs some allies... *taps fingers evilly, knowing the things ill do*


Settling in Altera
Accept me Eminu, I'm not Crazy, i only live in a giant tree and breed slimes! {mwhahhahahaha... slimes...}


Settling in Altera
i just got 2 likes from mich in a row... Come onnnnn strike me out! *giggles like a school girl and breeds more slimes*


Settling in Altera
Does...this mean i -win- everything? Or do i keep have to not give up, or the Medford "don't stop smacking slimes together t'ill you make jelly! " - some old dude. I....i think that's what it meant o3o

i don't have a slime problem....