Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Butcher


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
That's the same excuse that Waker had, without the Basil part. He said Jeroxia saved him... and healed him...

Er, no, Eminu walked away from this and RPd in the mead a bit before disappearing. What exactly is the issue? I'm 99% sure Eminu has utterly legitimate reasons to be putzing about... ( Plot shenanigans bwee! )


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Guys, guys. Use your heads. What was powerful enough to draw Eminu out of hiding last time?

Remember? When a Basil-Golem popped out?!

Is anyone wondering why... Eminu... is back?


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I seem to recall something about one attempt at thwarting the Broken Moon being successful.



I am officially leaving this thread.

We must RP one day, Mich. . . .


Roleplay keeper
I swear I'll have nightmares about walking on a street and I see a fluffy cat with same patterns as Eminu, and it'll say in a cute voice, I'm coming to get yooouuu~