Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~The Dragon Emporium~


The Watcher
I've done up a sketch of your character (finally) and have made a headway on the line art.

By the way, cat people are hard as hell to draw xD


Lord of Altera
Humans are hard as hell to draw :S

I'm going to start on the undead/zombie/whatever dragon in a few mins xD

... my 500th post.


Lord of Altera
Restarted computer! And finished the dragon >:]

I think it's my best one yet! But you all must wait until I get home to see it :3


Lord of Altera
I can just see Corbenic riding gleefully around on this dragon burning towns and steal candy from children.

Amazing work my friend I shall do my best to make your trade just as profitable
Glad you like it ^_^ Can't wait for mine :D