Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Grumpiest Priest


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Unfortunately deceased.

"Hey Mich, you should post Lathans backstory!"
"... Uh... Backstory?" Frantically writes backstory.

Lathan Telote
Yence L. Telote

Magus of Mysticism

Nickname/Alias: ‘Lathan’. It is unfortunately meta-gaming to know him by his
first name.
Eyes: Formerly brown- He has very bad cataracts in both eyes
{Click Here}. This renders Lathan blind.
Age: Appears to be in his sixties, maybe mid-seventies.
Gender: Male.
Race: Average Human … ?
Social Status: He has the attitude of a barwench and the ability of a king.
Sexuality: N/A, Lathan hates everything.
Homeland: Somewhere far to the West.
Current Home: Port Silver, Occasionally the hermitlands.

Build: Lanky, stooped.
Hair: Dark brown with streaks of grey.
Skin: A dark olive, pockmarked and wrinkled.
Identifying Marks: His white eyes, or silver snake symbols on his left hand and back.
Clothing: Shirts upon shirts, an old robe, with a thick coat pulled over it all.
Weaponry: He generally carries a simple staff.
Prized Possessions: Several shards of reddish-tinted black metal on string...
Hygiene: Surprisingly immaculate.
Voice: Gravely, worn.

Strengths: A Master Mystic, from generations working the ability.
Fears: Yence possesses a strong aversion to not having both feet securely planted on the ground. He is also fearful of any more heartbreak- Everyone he ever loved is dead.
Weaknesses: Old.
Intelligence: Sharp and honed over the years.
Languages: He mainly communicates with curse words.
Profession: Crotchety Fart.

Personality: He hasn’t even met you and he already hates you.
Religion or Cults: The Silver Serpent.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Short Term Goals: The Silver Serpent.
Long Term Goals: The Silver Serpent.


Place: Twin Snake Temple.
Pastime: Hearing cheerful voices, or aiding the Silver Serpent.
Food/Drink: He enjoys spicy food and drink.
Colour: Green.
Animal: Snake

Least Favourite...
Place: Black
Pastime: Watching something die.
Food: Pudding
Drink: Alchohol.
Colour: Black
Animal: Birds.

Loved: No one.
Trusted: They’re all dead.
Befriended: Also dead.
Liked: Nothing.
Neutral: The other three Magus.
Unsure of: Just about everything.
Wary of: Leminth.
Afraid of: Himself.
Disliked: Everything.
Hated: Nothing.

To serve under the Silver Serpent, for the Silver Serpent will rise.

Backstory? Go ask him in-game.
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Lord of Altera
Please tell me there's a bit about Alden in your story! The child constantly wearing away at Lathan's hard shell of grouchy snarkiness!


Lord of Altera
Comments and Critiques quite appreciated!
You may want to add a picture of cataracts if you can find one that is particularly descriptive of what Lathan looks like. After all, not everyone knows what they are, and not everyone knows what they look like.