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Deceased The Open-Minded Blacksmith, Roy Beledrent


Lord of Altera
Name: Roy Beledrent

Other Names: N/A

Titles: One of the best smiths in Altera (Goin off Piratep00f here)

Age: 63

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Current Residence: Arget Isles
Relationship Status: Unofficially Engaged

Social Status: Middle class

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 194 lbs. (Has slowly lost weight from growing older and not smithing)

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Skin Color: Lighter skin color, quite wrinkled.

Shape of Face: Teardrop

Distinguishing Features: Graying hair, bushy, unkempt beard, many scars covering his arms.

Build of Body: Seems like it was well built once, age has caused him to deteriorate

Hair Color: Gray, starting to whiten

Hair Style: messy, whatever it looks like when he wakes up

Complexion: Fair

Posture: Slouched, tired, generally sits down when given the opportunity

Is Seen By Others As: A tired old man, has a kindness in his eyes, but lacks the fire in them from before.

many tiny ones on his arms and back from capturing baby alligators for Nwalme
One scar hidden on the top of his head from a particularly nasty tumble during the voyage to the new lands.

(Has a scottish Accent from his time with the Dwarves)


Likes: Spiders (Cooked), Mushrooms, the color red, percussive music, smithing, family.

Dislikes: most stringed music, potatoes, pale greens, ships, snobby people.

Strengths: Smithing, keeping his temper, staying asleep, sleeping anywhere.

Weaknesses: waking up, wording his thoughts right, understanding social norms, being there for family and others, not being old

Fears: becoming useless, being buried alive, His family leaving him.

Values: Passion, honesty, curiosity, determination, Loyalty.

Education: has basic knowledges along with a large knowledge of crafts.


Common (Fluent)

Horgaahn (Conversational, getting better slightly)

Elven (knows words, bad at conversation)

General Attitude: Calm, carefree, aware of the world around him.

Religious Inclination: Korog, though he is not the most devout.

General Intelligence: not the brightest, especially when it comes to social stuff.

General Sociability: tries to avoid conversations, but usually can’t.

Speech Style: Due to his time in the tribe, Roy has a few interesting phrases-

Dented Mugs
Broken Hammers
Split Anvils
Purest Ore
Golden Scrap
Cracked Core
Rusted HammerHugger

Feel free to ask Roy their meanings in character if he says any, he honestly won't mind explaining them :p

Alignment: True Neutral

Short term:

Settle in the new lands [X]

Check on the Cerridwens [X]

Find Gregor [ ] While sad he could not find his son, Roy assumes that Gregor is happily traveling around.

Spend more time with Family [X]

Long Term:

Become renowned for his smithing skills [X] According to that Dwarf...I'm quite famous...but that can't be true, there's so much I haven't made yet...

Learn Elven [/] No need ta learn t'is at t'e moment, more important t'ins ta focus on.

Become fluent in Horgaahn [/]

Learn Mok’yra? [ ] Edgar once said t'at nobody but Moors should learn t'is, best not make t'em angry.

Be a good father for Gregor [ ] I 'ave no idea 'ow ta be a fat'er... 'nd if Kateryn's right, I just notice me smit'in... 'opefully when I return, eit'er i'll know better... or 'e'll 'ave found someone t'at does. Eit'er way, i'll be 'appy fer 'im.

Be a better father for Gregor [ ]
Maybe... not bein t'ere was better for 'im? I 'ope not, t'ough I do 'ope 'e's 'appy.

Karrim’s Hammer, he currently uses this for smithing. Given to Gregor

Steel Forging hammer made for him by Thordil

Brown, Fingerless gloves, he’s rarely seen without them

A Black coat, white tunic, brown pants, and brown boots. His usual outfit.

A gray tunic, yellow sash, darker gray pants, and brown boots. His Tribal outfit.

A Beige coat, with a white shirt, black pants and brown boots. His Formal outfit

A Maroon coat with a tan shirt, black pants, and light brown boots. ^^





Owned Homes:

Stays in a tavern room in the Arget Isles

Carried Inventory:

Throwing Knives x5 (On the baldric going across his chest) Aged beyond use

A dagger (Hidden in coat) Aged beyond use

pieces of charcoal (In coat pocket)

Flint and Steel (Coat pocket)

Drinking flask x3 (Coat pockets, they’re quite deep)

Two sword-like batons, has a hexagonal rod in place of an actual blade while the guard is V-shaped and has a thick pommel to help knock someone out. One has a 3 ft. long rod, 10 in. handle and weighs ~6 lbs. the other is a smaller version of the first, having only a 1 ft. long rod and a 6 in. handle weighing approximately 2 lbs. He still has these on him, but they appear to be heavily rusted, beyond use, yet he continues to carry them on him for some sentimental reason

Various bits and bobs for comedic purposes, will not use in serious rp situations

General Wealth:

Doesn't really make money these days due to not smithing, but has a good fortune stashed away from saving so much all the time


Illnesses: gets slightly seasick, has tinnitus from all the banging and sharpening.

Allergies: None

Injuries: multitude of tiny scars around legs and arms

Sleeping Habits: sleeps very heavily, doesn’t wake up easily. Sleeps much longer these days.

Energy Levels: Doesn't seem to have the energy for much these days

Eating Habits: Eats large portions, smiths need calories

Exercise Habits: Doesn't exercise anymore

Memory: Has quickly been fading, though this doesn't concern him as much as it might have in the past.

Unhealthy Habits: Drinks and smokes more these days.

Drinking Habits: Drinks in moderation, can go overboard on a bad day.



DunHúmur (Hall of Hammers) A cave in the southern swamps near Zima’Maloj where many Duskhammer dwarves live, it’s a smaller tribe, generally not known for much, other than being able to provide tools, weapons, and armour for the people in that area due to the remote location.


raised by an entire tribe of dwarves...but also slightly abusive. Roy was mostly raised by the tribe’s leader, Karrim, a kind dwarf who lost his son and wife from an earthspawn attack on the tribe. Upon seeing Roy alone with no father, his mother bedridden from illness, Karrim took Roy in and taught him everything he would need to know, (mathematics, reading and writing in common, and a bit about currency) and gave the boy books on smithing to read about and learn the different crafts one could make. However, while all the dwarves cared for Roy, they were still dwarves, and if Roy failed at making something, the dwarves would console him by saying “Don’t get hung up about it, you’re only a human, it’s expected.” As such, Roy grew to believe that dwarves were a superior race, and from there gained some serious low self-esteem.

Teen Years:

Roy was more determined to learning smithing, but do to the lack of resources and low self esteem, he never really asked to try and continued to read books on the various crafts he could make, he visitted his mother less in her room as she slowly began to feel better, and decided to instead help out with the tribe.


Roy eventually left the tribe and made his way through the world to look for his father, he eventually found the city of Zima’Maloj and made his new home there.

Family History: ???

Past Places of Residences: N/A

Places Traveled:

All places accessible by dockmaster


Peaceful or violent: Peaceful unless provoked

Weaponry: Old and does not fight

Combat Training: Ten years of bar brawling with dwarves, day to day practice with throwing knives.

Training & Skills:

Smithing: (Can now work with steel as well as other metals, can also make steel)
-Weapons: [x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-X]
-Armor: [x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-X-x]
-Tools: [x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-X-x]
-Jewelry [x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-X-x]
-Design [x-x-x-x-x-X-x-x-x-x] (Can do etching, but doesn't focus on aesthetics)
-Unarmed [x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x]
-Swordplay [x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x]
-Throwing Knives [x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x]
Basic first aid (Concussions, head trauma, light cuts, broken bones, dislocated joints)
Mining [x-X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x]
Bodily Renewal (Massage) [x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-X] (Good muscle control and long fingers, has had much time to work on his skills in his free time now that he no longer smiths.)

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Blacksmith

Favorite Types of Food: Beef stew/spiced mushrooms/ spiced spider

Favorite Types of Drink: Apple mead or Whiskey

Hobbies/Pastimes: Fishing, writing in journal

Favorite Colors: Red and Yellow

Relevant Family Members: Gregor (Father), Karrim (Adoptive Father), Gregor (Son)

Romantic Interests: Hana Nawar ( Deceased ;~; ) Kateryn Elster

Trusted Friends: Azure Cerridwen, Nireth Cerridwen, Akasha Cerridwen,
Thôrdil Bárúmur, Neve

Friendly With: Jaden Seeker, Cyra’tina Cerridwen, Ater Impes, Berndt, Hanns, Tymes

Loose Acquaintances: Edgar, Syra Hun'vir, Nylarii Veileth, Katja, Royce, Snerus, Jhaeros

Has no opinion on: Anyone he hasn't met, doesn't judge until he's met them, no matter what he hears about them or what others say.

Disfavored Individuals: Erik Stoneshield, Khorug, Jacob Rekalak, Edward, Orvar (Walanescu)


Wary Of: Nwalme

Cowardice Courage Foolhardiness
Licentiousness Temperance Asceticism
Miserliness Munificence Prodigality
Slavishness Honor Vanity
Passivity Anger Rage
Unfriendliness Friendliness Obsequiousness


Roy (Solus).png solus Thanks!
K0zIdRI.png Elz Thanks!
wherestheblacksmith.png SallyPirate I'll miss ya...
View attachment 69316 @My sis not on the forums yet, but maybe one day!
Roy beledrent.jpg Piratep00f Thanks!
Roy.png Doggeh Sorry I forgot you at first ;~; and thank ya very much!
_commission__roy_beledrent_by_cukie1-d9yv25i.png Cukie1 I'm so sorry it took this long for me to realize this wasn't on here ;~;


Tags for relationships:
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Lord of Altera
In Depth Relations

Cerridwen Family: While he hasn't seen any of them, he hopes that he'll be able to find one of them one of these days.
Karrim and Tribe: Having received a letter that they were setting out for new land, he doesn't know whether or not they made it, but hopes they did.
Gregor: While he's happy his son is working hard to forge his own path in life, his newest resolution to spend more time with those close to him and less time smithing has caused a small hole in his heart as he misses his son dearly.
Kateryn: The woman that helped fill the void left behind with Hana's death, Roy has asked her to marry him, and they've agreed to wait until after Ironwall has been set up.
Thordil: Roy's mentor and one of his closest friends, Roy is currently waiting at the Hawklight camp to talk to him and ask for his help in creating Ironwall.
Jaden: a good friend of Roy's, he hopes to see him again.
Berndt: An Anhald soldier that commissioned some gear from Roy, helped guide Hanns towards the blacksmith for apprenticeship.
Hanns: Roy's newest apprentice, he'd hoped to teach him something before Anhald departed, but hasn't been able to find him since, hopes he'll make his way when he hears of Ironwall.
Snerus: The quartermaster of the ship Roy was on, he seemed very capable and had inspired Roy to be more responsible when it came to his own duties.
Nwalme: The only person to have killed Roy so far, Roy is more fond of his wife, due to her supposed regret at killing him, than him... Silently hopes he didn't make it to the new land.
Cymic: a tanner Roy agreed to do business with for the first smithing guild, hasn't seen him since, but hasn't heard good stories about his actions... His feelings of neytrality toward the man haven't changed, but the wariness he has about different people grows.


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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
i'd like that :) also, Dayter should accept it because that would mean more potatoes for him, unless he wants everyone to eat potatoes... and if that's the case, i know who the first person that Roy's going to dislike is :3 if also slightly fear XD.
I actually have no idea if Dayter like potatoes IC. But that's the joke because tater is a handy rhyme with Dayter.

I DO know that Dayter likes cake. A lot.


Lord of Altera
ah, i see, well, look me up next time you're on and we can RP, oh also! i donated $10 and im supposed to talk to you about that bumping up my rank, wasn't sure if they meant in game or on forums or what, sorry if i'm asking in the wrong place...


Coffee Enthusiast
We should RP!


Let's not tell Dayter (@Deash12)
i'd like that :) also, Dayter should accept it because that would mean more potatoes for him, unless he wants everyone to eat potatoes... and if that's the case, i know who the first person that Roy's going to dislike is :3 if also slightly fear XD.
I actually have no idea if Dayter like potatoes IC. But that's the joke because tater is a handy rhyme with Dayter.

I DO know that Dayter likes cake. A lot.
Hedo, yesyesc:


Lord of Altera
Bump! updated relationships!

*Edit* i also fixed some stuff up about his personality, likes and dislikes, this might change from time to time :p
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*Dwarven drums are heard as I walk into this thread, carving out a stone chair before sitting on it, making sure my beard safely rests on my chest*


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*drinks all the drinks at once* Ahhh! Refreshing!


Lord of Altera
i have now stated what Roy feels about everyone posted on here, and have tagged the people accordingly, if you're insulted...please don't hurt me... *cowers in corner*