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Towny upkeep(taxes) and voting.

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Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
While I totally agree on taxes, I also think it is too high just for this moment in time. I am also not sure if my votes on MCSL get through or not.
While Im talking about MCSL, Hollowworld has moved down a bit :/


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Now i shall elaborate.

Part 1 is a case example of my town, Vallus Rex.
Vallus rex is small, just started out, has only three residents and is mostly un-built but it has a foundation. Currently its priorities are building the town and getting money to claim more plots.
The three residents are myself, the castellan, and itzzaboy.
Cast spends most of his town rping(hes baus), but he hardly owns a penny to his name. Sure, voting isnt much for him to do, but his taxation makes him less likely to help the town expand rather than grow.
Im not sure what itzza spends his time doing, but he doesnt get much money, and he is planning his own town currently. Hes staying in mine and helping out until hes ready. The tax not only makes it harder for him to help my town expand, it also makes it harder for him to start the one he is planning.
Lastly, i spend all of my time building Vallus Rex or getting materials and money to expand it with. The tax isnt that much, but every single day my coffers drop 600, money that would have gone to claiming more plots. Also, castellan and itzzaboy may often forget to deposit money, or they may be on holiday, or not be able to get on, and then that extra money has to come free either my pocket or from the coffers. If i add a tax to do it automatically, then castellan may be in trouble if he ever has to go on vacation, or is unable to get on. He has so little money already that he will have to be very careful to vote everday lest he find himself a hobo. Essentially these taxes make it harder for new towns to grow, and will cause many existing towns to shrink.
And to what cause?

Part 2 is an explanation of taxation.
In real life, in this day and age, there are many reasons for taxes. However, first and foremost among them is that taxes are the money the government runs on. The government must have that money, because if the road business isnt fed money, the roads will fall into disrepair. If the construction companies arnt paid then public buildings, schools, bridges, public services will all collapse. The reason is that in the real world, things require actual "upkeep" If the roads arnt repaved for ten years they will be all but useless. If the bridges arnt kept up, they will fall down. In the real world, resources must be expended in order to keep things the way they are.

However in Minecraft, things dont work that way. I dont need to expend resources to keep things the way they are. In minecraft if i build something then it will be the exact same way five years later assuming im not griefed. Taxes wont keep up roads and buildings and bridges, because roads and buildings and bridges dont need to be kept up. If i neglect my builds they wont collapse, they will remain exactly the same. Therefore the reason for the tax can be limited only to realism, incentive to vote, and knocking inactive players from towns.

1. Realism. Sure, taxation may provide a tad bit more realism to the game, but people hate taxes in real life, what makes them fun in Minecraft? Realism while roleplaying is good, to an extent, but it gets to a point where being real in a non-real situation only makes it less fun. Its a bloody good thing you dont have to drink water or continue to breathe to survive in minecraft. Furthermore minecraft has the limitation of the lack of real time communication. Chat communication is slow and cumbersome, and it lacks ability to use nuances, sarcasm etc etc. The point being that realism for the sake of realism is a bad thing. The whole point of minecraft is that its unlimited. You are no longer subject to the restrictions of the real world, you can go build anything and be anyone. Minecraft is meant to be without restrictions. If thats the point of the game, then why should we impose restrictions on ourselves?

2. Voting. Personally i think everyone should be voting as much as they can, this place is amazing. Ive been on other servers and other forums, believe me, this place is one of a kind. But there are those that disagree with me. There are those who think this is just like any other server, and there are those who even dont like it. Naturally, they wouldnt vote for us. And now that we say that the tax is only a problem for those who dont vote, then it further ostracizes those few and makes them more angry/neutral. Also, voting is something thats very easy to forget, and many people go on vacations and holidays, some have limited access to computers or internet, some take long breaks, and some just dont get on much. These players will have to be extremely careful to make sure they dont accidentaly end up homeless.

3. Kicking Inactives from towns. This is the only beneficial aspect to the tax, but the tax as enough negative effects that i think it would be prudent to find another solution, even if its just leaving it up to mayors.

In conclusion, i would like to reiterate some points. The tax in this game is pointless, as the reason there is a tax in real life is not applicable to minecraft nor should it be. The tax is then forcing players to expend resources to change nothing. I feel like thats against the point. People should never have to put forth effort or expend resources, only to have the fruits of their labor taken away for no reason. Taxes in real life at least serve the purpose of giving back to those who are taxed, in the form of public services, public buildings, etc etc. This tax, however, is essentially the same as forcing everyone to go throw a diamond in lava. It serves no purpose, only then to root out those who dont do it.


The sole purpose for having a tax/vote system would be to get people voting. I have no illusions of realism to be added to the game, and I have other tools for kicking inactive players.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Do we win some cool award for being number 1 on MCSL?
Or does it just make it so we get more people looking at the server?


Loyal Servant of Altera
People should stop complaining about the tax. How can people get paid by our government for builds, etc if we have no tax? Also, it does indeed add more realism, but in a good way. We can't have massive towns with a population of 5 live people and 45 dead/inactive people.

Also, we need people to vote so more people can find the server. Simple as that.


Grand Lizard
Legion, whilst your points are valid and i agree with them, you are taking it a little bit to seriously. A 100r tax should be fine for active members, those that get kicked out for inactivity can all ways reapply to get into the town. Money is not a hard thing to come by with the system we use, you just have to sell what people want.

The voting does really help with getting the server more popular, and i don't think any one would disagree with me when i say we want to be the most popular server, the server every one talks about. To do that we need more people.

Those that don't like the server, why are they here? If they don't like it leave, the voting system shouldn't make people dislike the server, why would people not want the server to become more successful? Really no one has much excuse to not wanting to vote, unless you can't actually vote your just being lazy.


<3 Hollow World
Do we win some cool award for being number 1 on MCSL?
Or does it just make it so we get more people looking at the server?
It costs real money to advertise this server, that comes from donations and from Cherb's pocket, players could put in 5mins of their time a week to help out with that advertsing cost by boosting the rating of the server on MCSL. This is particularly good for those players who can't donate for various reasons and gives them a means of giving back directly to Cherb whilst entirely negating the tax system Lars is proposing.

I'm not in favour of upkeep costs but I do think all towns should be taxing residents, even if it's a tiny proportion of their wealth.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I agree with that, my points are all invaliated if the tax is negligibly small.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I have voted pretty much everyday and if we were taxed 100 and got 600 from voting who the hell can complain at that?? Its barely anything and it means you make a tidy profit from it if you vote regularly enough :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Not only will this new tax system weed out inactive players, it will also encourage towns with a higher percentage of inactive players then active to show their true population. Towns like my town Warstrom really doesn't have to many active players. infact I think I can list all the active players in Warstrom, Dauntless001, doodleuk, Arkkaine, OSirixO, Frosty1723, Anight, and Myself. That is about 7 daily active players in a town with a population of I think 17-20. What I am trying to say is that towns with a massive population will be given a little nudge to show how many members they really have in their towns. Not hating on Heavens Reach btw Aug :p


Cobblestone King
I think getting people to vote for money ruins the whole idea of voting.
At first thought; yes, it "ruins" the idea of voting.

Still I don't agree with you, the money is what people want to actively purchase new items to build/craft with
and thus give them more reason to stay active. (To have fun) Not only that as it is helping the economy as well, now that Wurkit is currently not being used on the server. Take me for example, by voting I feel more tempted
to spend my "pocket-money" on items and blocks on the market, now I know I will earn radiants by voting
for a server I enjoy spending my time on. That is a double win!

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I think getting people to vote for money ruins the whole idea of voting.
shhhhh, they don't need to know that ;)

Also its an incentive for lazy players, that's one of the reasons why tax was introduced to get people to vote for money. The more we vote the more we help the server so there is nothing wrong in making it even more rewarding for helping out :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
YEs but if it were like an added bonus (the money) but it is like the reason people vote not a bonus


King of the north!
We pay people to vote because if we don't pay them, they just can't be arsed. It seems like a cheap way to get votes but it proves people are willing to vote but they can't be bothered unless they get something back.
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