Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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What Song Do You Have On Repeat?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Whelp, I've been on a bravely default kick for a while now. The character themes really get to me as "Heck yeah time kick some butt!":

While the main boss theme just held me hostage until I got Stockholm Syndrome. I miss beating the side mission bosses after I beat them five times each... all 23 of them... kindof:
I stole borrowed Bravely Default from a friend recently and have to agree it's great. It's ironic that to get the old Final Fantasy feel that I loved I had to wait for them to start a different series from the main one.

I go through phases where I Have this whole album on repeat.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
OH MAN. Oh god oh man- Of Monsters and Men have a new song. I can't even- oMg. *repeat repeat repeat*
