Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Your favourite characters in Altera!


Dark Council Elite
I'd definitely have to go with:

@Baron Vorar is so great, it's wonderful to be horrified of it.
@Michcat Leminth's apparent apathy to almost everything but the Exodus before the end of it was pretty gr8.
@blargtheawesome Nwalme is oh so amusing to observe.
@Scardrac So horribly violent, that Scardrac!
@Legion I've always been very entertained by Legion/Draiden's attitude and manner of life.
And, well, Queen Grief was pretty great.


Lord of Altera
My favourite characters...

Alexantria Saeradan - she was a really sweet character who always seemed very realistic. Most of fondest memories of roleplay were with her. Played by Alexantria/Speedy
Alawn Elumeril - Kitsune always knew how to spice up the roleplay and make it tons of fun, regardless of the situation.
Leminth Arduin - Although we did not manage to roleplay often together, I always liked her as a character and found her intriguing. I was actually really sad when she died.
Jeroxia "Wake" Elumeril - Just Roxi, 'nuff said.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Okay. Lesseeeee. Favorite characters...

Dayter. Wouldn't have let Som get involved with him otherwise~
Tzemik. This should be obvious to anyone who knows how I reacted when Tzemik was taken.
Naelwyn. He has been able to calm both of my characters down when they were upset or frustrated.
Ced. I can never not laugh when Ced is around. He always says something that just... is so ridiculous and hilarious.
Cloud. Such sass. And he and Som are always on the same page, more or less, only people pay attention to Cloud.
Harleen. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Abel. He feels like he should be Som's brother. Broke my heart when Harateth killed him, because there are some players (myself included) who I know won't bring their characters back without good reason.
Einthe. I feel like Som and Einthe are kindred spirits. They're both curious in different ways and prefer to be left to their own thoughts most of the time.
Melody. I miss Melody.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Okay. Lesseeeee. Favorite characters...

Dayter. Wouldn't have let Som get involved with him otherwise~
Tzemik. This should be obvious to anyone who knows how I reacted when Tzemik was taken.
Naelwyn. He has been able to calm both of my characters down when they were upset or frustrated.
Ced. I can never not laugh when Ced is around. He always says something that just... is so ridiculous and hilarious.
Cloud. Such sass. And he and Som are always on the same page, more or less, only people pay attention to Cloud.
Harleen. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Abel. He feels like he should be Som's brother. Broke my heart when Harateth killed him, because there are some players (myself included) who I know won't bring their characters back without good reason.
Einthe. I feel like Som and Einthe are kindred spirits. They're both curious in different ways and prefer to be left to their own thoughts most of the time.
Melody. I miss Melody.
i see how it is.. i see


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Here are mine, because I love you all:

Edit: I typed this really late last night, so it might not make a lot of sense.

Dav'id Engem: I seriously love this character. He understands Athryl, has the same ideas, and really makes Athryl's day whenever he is around... Also, Reece is an amazing RP'er.

Tzemik: because who doesn't love that kitty. Athryl looks up to her in so many ways, and feels honored to know her.

Somnastra.. Even though Athryl and her have had their... Difficulties.. She always knows what to do, always has the best advice, and really.. Treats Athryl as someone far more intelligent than others do.

Daeron: he's incredibly intelligent and hilarious. Athryl really likes him.

Ceeeeeeed: because... Ced. He's helped Ath out in a number of ways, and Athryl really considers him close.

Cloud: Athy loves his Ghostie~ but really, Athryl always looks to Cloud for advice, and he knows what to do.. Always.

All of mucus' characters: there wasn't one that I didn't love OOC and IC. Athryl and Raindes were.. Close. His characters really helped develop Athryl, in a lot of ways.

Naelwyn: Athryl wishes to be like Nael a lot. Nael always knows what to do, is incredibly intelligent, and treats Athryl as such. Also Naelwyn rules OOC so there's that.

Ashna: Athryl's favorite Apprentice. She's so kind, and cares for Ath a lot, even if he does not show it back.

Vorar: Athryl is very curious about Vorar.. And Baron plays Vorar so well.

In all honesty, everyone in this community are amazing. Each character is different, unique, and wonderful.
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