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ZaneCelmer's Profile


Hollows Explorer
Part IV: The Calling of Harateth

There sat Frostfire, pondering which books had been safely removed from the old and corrupted world. As he ran the list through his mind, he was practicing one of his life spells on a golem that he had created and granted life. He was just about finished with the list as he realized something was gone. He froze immediately, dropping the iron he had in his hand. As a loud clang rang through his tower, he remembered where it had been left. Bellons living quarters, within the corrupted Altera.

Zane knew that it would be dangerous to go back, so he decided to consult Bellon about it. He searched for the other wizard in every place he could think, even under the bridge connecting the Hall of the Archwizard and the town of Uthrandir, a place Bellon enjoied to fish. He was nowhere to be seen, and his mind was out of reach. He ha to make this decesion on his own. "That book.. I cant let it burn," thought Frostfire "its too important to be lost."

It had been decided. Zane began to gear up for his journey. He brought only his staff and bread, for everything else was unnecessary. Chanting a few verses, he covered himself in an aurora which protected him from corruption. As he arrived to the old world, nothing seemed different. Port Silver was still in tact from what he could see from the soggy wooden dock he walked upon. He easily found the ferry to the temporal tower, where he recited the old teleportation spell and woosh! He was back at old Uthrandir. He walked up the small incline to look about his old and abondoned Alchemy shop, it was still just fine. He smiled as he thought "Mabye this world is still hospitable after all!"

Then he turned and looked at the tower of Uthrandir.

Flames leaped above the tower, giant columns of Netherrack spiraling up in every direction. It was completely destroied. Frostfire was angered by the sight of such demonic things prancing about and destroying so many magical and sacred items.. He looked a bit closer, and saw that the library within the tower was still untouched. Zane knew what had to be done. He held his staff a bit tighter as he ran into the tower, only to stop to avoid being burned by lava, which filled the entire room. "Stay calm," he said aloud, "you'll be just fine." Frostfire yelled the last of his resist fire spell as he leapt into the lava, dissappearing out of sight.

When he surfaced, he found himself on the staircase to the library. He knew he had to hurry, as his magical strength was depleting rapidly due to the intensity of the nether-corrupted lava. He slowly but surely mad his way amoung the bookshelves, seemingly unharmed. He began to look about the library for the book that hadn't been saved.. After about 3 or 4 minutes, he had found the book. That wasnt all he found out either.

As Frostfire had depleted so much of his magical strength keeping himself from being incinerated, his anti-corruption wards had worn off. Every second here was a second he was continually being infected with the evil taint. He used the energy from the few remaining blades of grass to teleport himself back to the new Uthrandir. As he put the book away, he collapsed onto the ground, feeling his own vessel open up to the demons.

He had begun to be corrupted.

If one was there to watch Frostfire struggle agains the demons which hated him more than most humans, as he had attacked most of them before, it would have seemed like he was choking. He lay on the ground, gasping for the littlest amount of oxygen for his quickly deflating lungs. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, not that you could tell due to his iris being the same white as everything else was.

Frostfire felt defeat coming, he knew this was the end. But all of a sudden, a great flash of white appeared everywhere, blinding Zane and the demons alike. The inner workings of Zane's mind seemed to be at peace, he felt no demons attempting yo destroy him. He opened one eye, then the other. He lay facing a pair of dark brown boots, polished to absolute perfection. As Zane traced the figure standing in the boots, he realized he wasnt in Uthrandir anymore. "Whe... Where am I?" Asked the defenseless Zane, who began to attempt to stand up.

What replied to Zane's question set him of completely. The deepest voice he had ever heard began to explode with laughter and said "Where you are does not matter. The fact that I have brought you here is what matters, young Frostfire."
"Who might you be?" Asked Zane, even though he thought he had an idea. Yet again, the powerful and mighty man responded "Who am I? I am Harateth! Those demons almost had you pinned there. I couldnt let you be taken there, I have so much more planned for who you are, and what you will become. I haved watched you through your struggles, and wished to reach out and help you. You needed to learn your lessons though, to become what I expected you to amount to. Listen to me, Frostfire, and listen well. What you do for me is wonderful, you attempt to rid the world of evil in my name, even when things look bad.. I couldnt ask you for any more, yet I expect none less. I have chosen a path for you to follow, and hopefully you will stick to what I have set for you."

Zane was shocked. This was all alot to take in.. He was being spoken to by Harateth, the god of all that is good.. He had a plan for Zane. The only thing that Zane could reply with was "Am I really here with you, right now? Or is this something that Im being tricked with..."

Harateth replied with "Zane, you are here, I speak the truth. You will end the evil within Altera, and you wont be doing it alone. Even if Bellon turned against you, I would be at your side all the way. Its time for you to head back to reality though, youve been here too long."

With the sound as if he were rushing through a tunnel, Zane opened his eyes to Bellon in his face, asking if he were allright. "Gave me a bit of a scare there lad, what happened?"

Zane shook his head, not too sure what actually happened either. "Huuh," he said, "I just fell and bumped my head.."

Of course, Bellon knew that was a lie. But he decided not to pursue it, he knew Frostfire wouldn't keep dark secrets from him. As Bellon began to speak of where he was, Zane looked ou the window, asking himself, "Did I really just speak with Harateth himself?" and just as he was about to deny it, he saw a Sheep with a golden sun on his side, the symbol of Harateth...


Roleplay keeper
*cough* Very nice indeed :D
Gonna write about how Zane met the now young lady named Luna? :3 Which he last time saw as a little girl.