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Vigilant order of Slayers

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Lord of Altera
Should we be editing the main page as we have Executed Keros (KK)? And did we actually Kill PeculiarGuy at the Hanging?


The original mute
Can I ask, do you guys consider a guy infected by the end, to be a monster? I'm asking this because I may or may not be resurrecting an old rp character for fun (not necromancy)


King ForumStalker
Whether you still want them on your list or not is up to you. However due to not having a choice in that roleplay of whether their characters died or not, they have decided to still use their current characters.


Lord of Altera
Can I ask, do you guys consider a guy infected by the end, to be a monster? I'm asking this because I may or may not be resurrecting an old rp character for fun (not necromancy)
Infected being undead/zombie thing?


Lord of Altera
Well, What happened was we captured KK (Keros) and executed him after torturing him for information. However, his wife showed up so she intervened but we captured her: however then the bandits showed up along with Anti-Slayers and Attacked everyone. We ended up executing Keros and Valerie, Defeating Royo and his Bandits and overall beating them, but turns out Keros and Valerie lived.


The original mute
Infected being undead/zombie thing?
Not resurrected dopey, infected, like a virus, a sickness, not being brought back from the dead. How coul a character be half alive and dead at the same time? No one half is a musician, normal human thing, the other is a more violent being that is part of the end, and so treats endermen kindly, though they don't return the favour.


Lord of Altera
Right, there seems to be a few nasty slanderous rumours being spread around by some people who aren't happy with us about our organisation, this has led to outsiders become wary of us and confused.
So in this post I'm going to clear up a few things and answer some questions.
First and foremost, We are not a human supremacist group, I cannot stress this enough. I myself Roleplay as an elf and several of our members Rp as Dwarfs, heck we even have a giant bird.
We are not devoted to killing every other race, we are not just using this as an excuse to kill others, we attempt capture of those who pose a danger to society as a whole, this why we are building a prison. Why else would we build a prison if we just killed others? you don't need a prison for that.
Yes we are technically a paramilitary vigilantly group, but this in it's self is not a bad thing, it shows we are willing to do what is needed and are devoted to our ideals.


Lord of Altera
And while I'm here, I feel the need to address what happened Saturday night while I was away.
As many of you know, bad things happened Saturday night at my Prison Secretum.
An execution of a wanted criminal was planned for that night (which you ruined btw :p).
The criminal had pleaded guilty to charges of 1st degree murder and harbouring a fugitive from us.
At the planned execution, we captured another criminal and as far as I've heard, things went pretty much downhill from there.

From here I am pretty much free from blame, as I'm sure they'll agree, they got a little carried away.

The 1st criminal refused to be hung, so he was killed and the other criminal was also shot dead.
The crowd then erupts into a riot and a battle between those who support the order and those who don't ends in chaos with no determinative winner.
And we end in the situation we're in now, with our enemies resorting to petty rumours in attempts to discredit us and battle lines being drawn.
I would like to acknowledge that the Order does not officially support the actions of Saturday and we should not be judged as a whole due to a little mistake.
Thank you for reading, I hope this clears up a few more questions.
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