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Vigilant order of Slayers

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Lars, you tried to kill me and kk72390. Niether of us harmed anyone. Ever. You tortured him and made me watch. All in rp of course. But you still are kinda lying about 'not harming innocents'


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Roleplay: Personally, I think the Slayers have good intentions but somewhere along the line they started killing innocents.

OOC: Not in the group, and don't plan on joining so I don't realy know. I do say that they should let peopel argue on there thread, because it makes an interesting read.


King ForumStalker
Let's make this interesting....

Letter from the ArchWizard

"Bellon, Archwizard of Uthrandir is now offering Sanctuary to all magical creatures that feel they have been wrongfully targeted by the Slayers. Refugees will be given temporary residence in Wizard Town of Uthrandir. Any Slayers that wish to obtain a refugee may convince the ArchWizard to revoke Sanctuary by a conference in the ArchWizard's Great Hall...."

- Bellon Lightbringer
As nice as that is, we got there first. ;)

Isn't that right guys?

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
>_> If more people sit down beside me and Bette, I'm gonna think that people are gonna start waving signs demanding Monster Rights... XD

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
*sighs and gets up to get her signs and posts to start the riot* I knew this was gonna happen. *leaves the popcorn for the people gathering in the little circle*


SO LARS what ya got to say to what shadowmere said eh?
I've already flatout face desked after what he/she just said. I've been trying to make an argument for the past 5(?) pages and then is flatout ignored in one post. I've said all there is to say.


And thank you all for spamming out thread with useless crap, you are making this really easy.


Roleplay keeper
Btw This Slayer thingy is pretty great rp :D
Of course Luna dosn't like the idea, but myself in ooc I think it's great.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Lars i dont think that its so much that its been ignored, but you asked for an example of when you or your group prosecuted innocents and she gave you one.

And guys, no more spamming this thread.

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
Im not trying to shutdown the rp lars. But you cant ignore the facts. Everyone has already established that your group attacked all monsters regardless if they are innocent or not. Dont take it that i think your bad IRL, but in RP weeeell, kinda bad. I really like this rp though, its fun.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Lars i dont think that its so much that its been ignored, but you asked for an example of when you or your group prosecuted innocents and she gave you one.

And guys, no more spamming this thread.
We were questioning KK peacefully when he started to becomeviolent. Tha twas when we had to resort to painful methods.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Kill them! Let's become the master race! Everyone blonde haired blue eyed... being normal! No more bloodsuckers! No more flying freaks!
Ok I'll stop now


King of Quests
Guys I think the gist of the argument that went down here is based off the fact that a lot of you don't seem to realise RP extends to the forums :p If this organisation is claiming it only hunts monsters that attack people, let it claim that and if you see something that is different to this, then just add that to your RP character and develop your opinion towards this organisation like a real person would. This thread was initially set up as a RP descriptive thread, let it be that instead of taking it OOC :p

Also, as I make my comeback I wouldn't mind joining you guys as some sort of crazy old seer (what I'm coming back as) if that would be possible? :)
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