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Vigilant order of Slayers

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The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Kill them! Let's become the master race! Everyone blonde haired blue eyed... being normal! No more bloodsuckers! No more flying freaks!
Ok I'll stop now
I don't fly, or blood suck... So you just counted me out. But that means I can still burn you... -_-

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
We were questioning KK peacefully when he started to becomeviolent. Tha twas when we had to resort to painful methods.
You said youd let him live if he talked. He talked, then lars said you lied and put him to the noose. Then you trapped me and came after me. Just saying. Im going to leave the thread now and let you guys say what you want.


Lord of Altera
I am an ex-vyre. I have several family members who are vyre. I happily illeagally harbour and protect them. I still have cool fangs. I am a criminal by your laws. come at me bro...


The original mute
Teas alright, the pirates may or may not have put bounties on a couple of people's heads, and now have a bounty board. That may or may not have happened.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Once you left, Cubey killed someone and went mad and then I left because the fun was gone since you waren't gonna get killed :c because of Game of Thrones...


Lord of Altera
Hey, that was a fair trial, which came to a logical conclusion.
I let the defence make an attempt to justify her actions, But their argument seemed to be that being angry excuses murder.
I made the decision that her fate was to decided upon the outcome of a witch dunking which I would say is pretty lenient considering the crime, which back then would most likely be a straight forward hanging or beheading.
And it was not my fault that everyone killed each other, I believe it was the actions of a certain pirate...
So, don't come to my thread acting all high and mighty just because you don't agree with our methods (as fair as they are), or just to criticise a planned Rp.


Roleplay keeper
It wasn't planned that I was gonna get killed <.< We talked about some sort of rescure.. Anyway I got away! But I lost my wings T.T


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
(firstly, i said that in rp)
Fair trial? That was NOT a fair trial, i attended.
And then a witch dunking? What is this, Salem?
And later that night, i saw infernohawk kill the same person bettemus was accused of killing. No one had a trial against him.
And I will act high and mighty if it suits the circumstance :p


Lord of Altera
Fair trial? That was NOT a fair trial, i attended.
So you didn't see me hear both sides of the story and then allow the defence extra time to come up with a better defence?

And then a witch dunking? What is this, Salem?
Welcome to the medieval times!

And later that night, i saw infernohawk kill the same person bettemus was accused of killing. No one had a trial against him.
But what you didn't know was that a band of killers had him trapped in his own house, due to the actions of a certain pirate....
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