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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
(Yay!... I was going to go do something else, but more people. :D)

*Blinks and looks down at Jack... Not quite as drunk as before*
"Do y' want something, Dwarf?...


Lord of Altera
*Is insulted by the comment about Jack being a Dwarf, and turns away from the conversation between the Dwarves, looking at the figure*

"Oi! How dare yer call that thin' a Dwarf! Ae'm disgusted! How can yer not know the difference between a Dwarf an' a creature like tha'?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Laughs at the tall Halfling*
"Ah, quit y' complainin', mate!... Bloody Halflings get so emotional sometimes..."
*Smiles at Hrothgar, knowing very well that all he did was anger him more*


Lord of Altera
*Shuffles further to the direction of Basil after hearing what he said*

"...What. Did you just call me?!"

[[I'll edit any RP names once I know them]]


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Laughs, a tad bit insanely*
"Can y' not hear, y' bloody fool!"

(Thank'ee, Tang, I had forgotten your roleplay name. Mine's Basil...)


Lord of Altera
*Stands up, knocking over the stool he was sat on. Looking up at Basil, he then swiftly swings at him, aiming for the crotch*

"Take this yer scrawny [[insert bad word here]]!!"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Narrowly dodging the punch, he stumbles backwards, and falls on his back, he scrambles backwards, find a large rock, and throws it at the Dwarf*

(*Sighs* You think that you'd have the advantage with a Dwarf, since they're so small... Nnoooo... Also, where are two Ezioi, my Wizard great-Uncle, and a polar bear when you need them?... Seth, I hope you're laughing... :p)


Lord of Altera
*Narrowly dodging the punch, he stumbles backwards, and falls on his back, he scrambles backwards, find a large rock, and throws it at the Dwarf*

(*Sighs* You think that you'd have the advantage with a Dwarf, since they're so small... Nnoooo... Also, where are two Ezioi, my Wizard great-Uncle, and a polar bear when you need them?... Seth, I hope you're laughing... :p)
(Im Laughing Like mad!)

*Seth quickly finishes his Drink, Takeing his Axe out which seems Ice-Like and Yells*
"Hrothgar, Ill come help yer over tha', I didnae ge' enough Drink and yer can pay me in tha' tonight!"
*Seth Rolls into the fight, under Basil's Legs, aiming a rather heavy punch at Basil's Groin*
(This was a brilliant Idea for a thread!)


Magus of Nothing
Starts to shake madly, and pulls out his flute, playing a calm tune. Other than shaking he doesn't move.


Legend of Altera
*Runs up to the fighting men wearing fine noble's clothing and golden jewlery and an ermine overcoat*

"Hey! What do you dwarves think you're doin gangin up on my drunk friend?"

*throws off his cloak, drinks a little from his flask of liquor and then charges in and grabs Seth, trying to throw him to the ground*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Collapses in pain, grimacing and curling into a ball... Not really able to do much 'sides for that*

(I s'pose I was standing!)


Lord of Altera
*The rock smashes into Hrothgar's armour, scratching it only slightly as Hrothgar jumps onto Basil, swinging his arms, as he lunges, the rest of the Dwarves laugh and watch their leader fight*


Magus of Nothing
Stares at everyone and shakes, collapsing to the floor with his right eye twitching. He holds on tightly to his flute and spasms while down.


Lord of Altera
*Having stood, watching the crowd for a while, he rises from his perch in the distance and goes to sit next to the cloaked figure*
"Enjoying the show, young lady?"


Roleplay keeper
*Growls loud and roars*
"ENOUGH, you primitive animals! Have you lost your minds?! Fighting on the streets, because you maybe drank a bit to much of ale! You can be trow in jail for that, with nothing but bread and water."
*Stares at them with discust*
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