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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Legend of Altera
*Turns to Luna, and lets go of Seth*
"Jail?" *laughs loudly* "Only poor people go to jail for fighting!"
*Punches at Hrothgar's face*
"Get up Basil, you can do better than this."


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Gets up, a bit bruised from fending off a rabid Dwarf*
"Sure, sure... Uhm..."
*Quickly stumbles off to Tauredal, leaving behind the crowd*

(Such fun... But perhaps tommorow... I'll not be thread roleplaying for a bit.)


Legend of Altera
(It seems like the dwarves have left.)

*watches Basil leaving*
"Well, my work here is done."
*Runs off, picking up his overcoat on the way out*


Lord of Altera
*silently watches from his perch on the roof of the inn, waiting for the right moment to confront Luna.*


Legend of Altera
*frowns, brushing off his coat*
"I should have recognized the voice. It's been a while since I've seen you, where have you been?"


Legend of Altera
"Well good luck to you if you decide to go back to that... But I've got to head home now. It was nice to see you!"
*turns to Duckie*
"What about you?"
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