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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
[[Just because I don't post, doesn't mean I've left]]

*Picks himself off the floor and sits back down, brushing the dust off his shoulders*

"Oi! Bartender! Get me another drink!"


Magus of Nothing
Gets up off the floor, wielding flute like a sword and starts to hit himself on the head


Lord of Altera
(I hadn't gone! I Was just watching a Movie_
*Climbs out The Sewers which he has randomly rolled into after passing out from the fight as he didn't drink enough*
Ach, Wha' happened? And why be tha' stinkin noble thinkin he be so special? And why be ma beard itching? Urgh... I surely missed something, yer cannae deny tha'
*Gets up and heads to a corner after throwing a piece of pink dung at Hitler's Robes, takeing out some nicely fermented Black Mountain Ale and drinking Deeply*


Magus of Nothing
Looks up and screams into Shadow's face
Jishrim! Jishy rimmy!
Starts to swing his flute at Shadow


The Anime loving Brony
*Puts his arms up to block it*
"Oi! What d'you think yer doing you little git?!"
*Grabs hold of the flute and tries to tug it away from him*


Lord of Altera
*Watches silently from an alleyway, mainly on the two outside- Luna and Akari*
{Very interesting things happening here. Poor bartender will be cleaning up blood before long.}

Eric V

Legend of Altera
*Viggy is within the rafters and has been hiding there the entire time watching everything happen below, he is still hiding and has decided not to reveal himself yet*


Lord of Altera
*Grabs the nearest drink and swigs*
Lord! This is strong!
*Looks up and see's viggy*
Eh? Roof people? Watcha doing up there?!
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