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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
*laughs, and then reaches down into his armour, there, he pulls out a bag, and chucks it to the bartender, the clink of metal coins rattling is heard as it lands on the table*

"There's 500 radiants, be'er be worth it!*

*Hrothgar then turns back to his Dwarves, then bursting into laughter at a Dwarven joke within the group*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Yet another hooded figure wanders in... Though not very mysterious... He practically jumps into a random bar stool, obviously drunk*
"Gimme some ale, y' bloody fool! Need to celebrate t'night!"
*He pounds his fist on the bar twice, then explodes in laughter in something only he finds funny*


Lord of Altera
*The innkeeper chuckles as he sees the cloaked figure, glancing quickly at it before grabbing his cup and filling it up. He then passes the ale to Seth and grins as he goes to the kitchen and adjusts his apron. He smiles as he picks up the cleaver off the bench in the kitchen and walks over to the furnace and pulls out a loaf of bread with the tray, smiling as he places it ontop of the furnace. He then turns around and pulls the wooden tray from the cow furnace.
A large,steaming steak coming out onto the tray. He places that ontop of the furnace as he looks at them all talking. He goes over to a small line hanging above everything and pulls two pheasants off, Their feathers plucked off and their skin raw. He goes over to the coals and chucks them both on the coals. Smiling as the steam rises from the pit. He then shouts at a man chopping potatoes and lettuce up.* "Oi Darkie! Ya'll get meh some bloodeh cooked potatoes and give meh the bucket of churned milk aye? I gotta get that stuff on the bread aye?" *The dark elven boy nods as he continues to chop the vegetables. The innkeeper walks out of the kitchen and glances at the cloaked figure.* "Oi ya bloodeh person, Come feckin' take ya hood off or I'll throw ya out!" *The Innkeeper smiles as he fills a cup and hands it towards the drunken man. Cracking his knuckles as he hears the sound of hooting in the night.*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Cheers! T'nigh' b' blessed!"
*He throws his drinking arm up, tankard in hand, and spills the majority of the ale on a random person at the bar, looks at him/her for a moment, then explodes in laughter*
(Whoever the Nether replies next, congratz, you've had ale spilled all over you!)


Roleplay keeper
*Hisses wildish at the drunk man, ale running down her cap*
I did not find that nessicary, what might be so lovely and great, that it's worth that much noise and ale to celebrate?
*Lay a thick press of sarcasme into everyword, follow by a low growl*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Smiles, thinking her anger is amusing*
"Calm down, lass!... Worse'll happen to y' before y' underground. Jus' drink a bit, i'll cheer y' up..."
*Still smiling, looking at Luna, waiting for a response*


Roleplay keeper
*growls low again, clearly not happy*
"I hardly think so.. Now tell me. What's so special about tonight, other than you spilled ale down over me?"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Chuckles, and turns towards wherever the barkeep went*
"More ale, y' fool! M' still thirshty!"
*And, again, smiles drunkenly at Luna, shrugging*
"Nuttin' really, lass... Matter o' fact, been a down righ' ba' day!... N' mattah... I'm shtill a bit 'appy wit' this nice drink.


Lord of Altera
"Ya know what's special! Ya bloodeh arses not fightin' in mah Inn! Well I'ma bloodeh closin' the place for the night, Gotta restock on friggen Skragg's Torment." *The Innkeeper chuckles as he then ushers everyone out and dims the torches, he slams the doors shut and places a sign on the door that says. "Closed 'till a few mornin's"
*The innkeeper smiles as he walks upstairs and opens his door, going into the bed and sleeping.*
[[Well I'm going to bed, I'll reopen the Inn soon but you can still bicker outside and stuff~]]


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Mutters, annoyed and still drunk*
"Nether am i' t' do now?!"
*Angrily kicks the tavern's wall, still mutters and cursing under his breath*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Glares at Luna, annoyed... And still very drunk*
"Shut it, would y', lass?... Y'... Mmph..."
*Still obviously angry, he can't think of a good reason to be angry at her*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Grumbles angrily and stumbles off, in the direction of Tauredal*
('Twas fun!... Wake up soon so this can happen again!)


Real life redstone crafter
*Walks past the inn, see's the sign and grumbles...*

*Walks away and mumbles something about redstone...*


Magus of Nothing
Follows slowly after Blarg, holding his flute in hand.
Sir, you seem quite unhappy, maybe some fine music will cheer you up?
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