Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Abbey Mirabelle Oceana - The Mermaid Queen's Tail

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
abbeyvie said:
Coming back! I was sicky soo.. BACK TO WORK!!
*le slap self*
After starting to write one myself I now understand how much effort it takes to sit down and start typing (for me anyway) so take as long as you need to to get back into the swing of it.
But don't take too long, I'm still looking forward to the next part :D


Lord of Altera
It actually doesn't take effort for me to write.. Because I get wound up in the story as if I was there.. I was just being a lazy bum.. Oh noes..
The secret is out :eek:


Lord of Altera
"Listen and be led"
My head throbs with pains from my recent injury from that wicked wizard. I feel as if I’m being carried, for I could feel soft hands on my upper back and the mid-section of my tail. I attempt to open my eyes, but the pains in my head were too great. Darkness consumes my vision, as I wonder who be my savior. I knew there was another wizard, but I couldn’t exactly remember the names being shouted before hand. At the time all I could remember is the shouting of unknown words from my captor, and whom I assume is my savior. I softly groan curling my self closer to the warm of my savior, to my surprise was very hairy.​
A leigheas,” an old voice whispers, as the pain in my head quickly disappears.​
Without opening my eyes I whisper, “What does that mean?” Although I should have asked other questions like, “Who are you? Why are you helping me? Should I trust you?” it never did occur to me. I only wanted to know what he had spoken through his tongue. The words were completely alien to me.​
My savior chuckles, amused by the silly question, “It means ‘to cure,’ dear mermaid.” He had revived me? What ever for?​
“Where are you taking me?” I ask, scared by his power by speaking simple words.​
“Home,” he mumbles. He is taking me back to my family? Or do I have another home now? I scrunch my face, overwhelming in the thoughts of home. “Nimue,” he softly whispers, “I have found your older sister,” he placed me down softly on moist sand, we must have reached a beach. I didn’t hear anything for a slight moment when Nimue spoke, “Abbey open your eyes.” I open my eyes, obeying my little sister’s wishes to be greeted with one very-very-VERY angry mermaid.​