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[City] Timbervale

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Loyal Servant of Altera
i was gone for a day and didn't look at the forums but i come back today and see all this activity thanks for the support and for reviewing the application and Roof i hope ta see you around town if we get in
Looking forward to loads of fun roleplay with you. ^^


Settling in Altera
so i was wondering if i wanted to buy a 5000 rad house would i post the coordinates here or would i wait for one of the assistants/mayor to get on and ask them?


Legend of Altera
It may be able to be handled here lol :) Exchange of money would obviously have to be in game though.

Edit:Sorry guys auto-correct fails :)


Lord of Westray
Just a polite notice to fellow members of Timbervale and anyone else who reads this. Please take note of your prices when selling items, both on the AH and in Chestshops. Lately I have noticed people undercutting prices to frankly silly amounts. Not only does it hurt yourself since you are making items practically worthless, but you hurt the city as a whole since there are less funds to spread around for claiming plots, building materials, food, etc.

I'll give you some examples just to illustrate my point. A few weeks ago I started selling glass because there was none for sale other than by one person selling at 150r per piece and people were asking for large amounts of glass for their projects. Those who bought it off me were very happy at the price of 10r per piece or discounted to 600r per stack. In those couple of weeks I have sold about 70,000r worth of glass all at 10r... that is until other people started to notice my sales and undercut the price, now it is down to 5r and I am sure will be lower by the end of the week.

Another one that has got me worked up is iron. I've been selling it for 70-100r for ages and it sold ok. Recently though I decided that since I had 9 stacks of iron blocks in my chests, I would sell a bulk load at a discount so people would get a very good deal and would get some much need chest space back. The cheapest on the AH at the time was actually mine already at 75r so I put a load on at 50r to try and sell it quickly. Next day there were a load on at 45-48r, day after 30-45r and so on. I had no option but to reduce my prices even though I had sold 1000s of ingots at above 80r not long ago so I reduced all my ingots down to 25r. What do I find this morning? A certain somebody has put some on there at 22r. Now you know who you are... and you also know that we have discussed pricing before and you promised to not undercut fellow Timbervale members prices. Also, having checked the chestshops this certain someone now has iron ingots at 2.5r each. Are you having a laugh?! I might as well just stop selling anything and stop helping out where I can.

The only two options left at the moment are to stop selling glass and iron altogether or to match the prices in order to actually get stuff sold, both of which mean less funds for me and thus less for the city. I know this is a bit of a rant and someone will probably post along the lines of, "if someone wants to sell at a cheaper price just let them", but I just ask that you try and not undercut your fellow community members. *and breathe...*


Loyal Servant of Altera
I sometimes buy up the lesser stuff and resell it :D also sorry to all the new applicants the council members (including myself) have been busy so it's take a little longer to get things done. Also I know one of you were wanting to get accepted before the reset. Unfortuantly we've already updated and are either unable to revert back or just want to wait till the reset happens.

Edit: Just got on the server not realizing it updated derp


Settling in Altera
that was me atleast i was thinking that way but its alright i got into a temp town to store my stuff i just wanted a place to put my stuff before reset of the east and south and then get into this town perm


Loyal Servant of Altera
It is okay, summer is important! ^^ But please do huwwy, I got furniture stuffed everywhere, I am running out of storage space! :confused:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well we've got a couple members moving to different places and one just started back at college. I'd be the lazy one as I don't have an excuse other than to busy playing other games :p I'll try to be on more though once we've made decisions on the new applicatants so hopfully to be getting you all set up.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Same as Actro, can't wait to find out. The more I explore the town the more I like it! :heart: It is a beautiful piece of work.


Legend of Altera
If you guys need any help setting up your houses/shops etc. I'll be on on the weekend and everyday around 6ish US time


In-Game Name: ivanstam13

RP Name: Therund

Roll you wish to fill and why: I'd like to be an Architect/Builder. I really like Building in different styles for a town or server, like houses, churges, walls etc. And decorate them with complex styles. I saw a list with buildings to make, and I really want to help building these. And, if it isn't possible to forfill this role (becouse only mayor and assistants may build) I want to become a general goods vendor.

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm a really mature player, and I can lead the crowd easilly. I'm new to this server but i'm not a new player of minecraft, becouse I joined at alpha phase. I'm a creative player who can't wait to join the city!

How do you feel you can add to this community: I can eventually forfill every role if asked. I'll always protect the other residents of the city. I'll help anyone if possible. And if war breaks out. I'll always fight for my people and city.

Greetz, Therund.


Loyal Servant of Altera
If you guys need any help setting up your houses/shops etc. I'll be on on the weekend and everyday around 6ish US time
I was wondering about applying for a stall/shop eventually, probably selling potions. (Undecided yet. /shrug ) I'll keep the offer in mind! :heart:


Hollows Explorer
Ooooook! Sorry for the delay everyone. So, Roof, Actro, mcGellan you have all been approved! Let me be the first to welcome you all to Timbervale. That said I will be on later this evening for a bit. I would like the three of you to meet me I'll be on around 7 est and will keep checking back on the hour. Once I see you we will find you a house and get you whitelisted.

That said remember basements are not to be deeper than 10 blocks, and animals and crops are city property killing or removing for any reason(if not your job) will be considered griefing. Also no building outside of your home unless authorized by a council member.

Congratulations again every one!
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