Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Hollows Explorer
@paste and actronan yes thats perfect. the hole needed to be filled in and i appreciate you doing it actronan.

@applicants due to real world issues with the council. it will take extended time to look over your applictations, please be patient as we will get to them. but expect it to be a week or two before we can. i am sorry for the delay but real world always takes presidence. thank you.


Loyal Servant of Altera
In-Game Name: RoeWolf

RP Name: Roe Wolf

Roll you wish to fill and why: I'd like to be a bowyer because town could benefit from having someone who specializes in bows. It's the only distance weapon, plus it's essential for hunting ghasts. It would stimulate economy with hunters, lumberjacks, and enchanters, because I would need something from each of them (string, sticks, enchantments). My other idea is a fletcher, who would make and supply arrows. This can work with or without a bowyer, and I would work with miners, lumberjacks, and chicken farmers for flint, sticks, and feathers.

I'd be good as a barkeep, baker, lumberjack, or miner, but I see you have those positions filled. If I'm needed there, though, I'd be more than happy.

A couple sentences about yourself: In real life I'm a graduate student who practices archery in my free time. I am a dedicated person who enjoys building creative structures as well as collecting and crafting specific items. I'm good at following directions, and I am not easily distracted from my mission. Timbervale sounds like a very close community, which sounds perfect for me.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I like being part of a community, and honestly I like filling orders for materials, tools, etc. I work well with and under others, and I've been good at directing project builds. My goal in Timbervale is simply to contribute. I'm always willing to help others collect materials, fight enemies, and explore.


Semaj009's Application:
In-Game Name: semaj009
RP Name: Sarmåj
Roll you wish to fill and why: Priest/Acolyte - my backstory (Sarmåj Player Profile) means that this profession is one that certainly suits my character, and I noticed that you didn't have a priest. Ideally It would suit my character better if it were possible for it to be an Acolyte, for that means my character can retain his hunting/woodsman side, whilst still being able to perform priestly duties, BUT either way, a religious role would be good.

other roles: I really enjoy the mining/resource gathering side of MC so I would also enjoy being a woodsman/miner/hunter, and would bring back any materials to the town. These are activities that I imagine would take up the most time, and include me looking for resources that a RPG priest may use - eg. dungeoneering for slime balls to make magma cream.

A couple sentences about yourself: My name irl is James, and I'm a 20 year old (as of Sep. 29th) Melbournian (Australia). I'm a big fan of minecraft and RPGs, and enjoy the creative license afforded by both. I'm a university student studying zoology and history. I can also speak German fairly well as a second language, and am hoping to learn Italian at some point.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel that I would be able to add some life to the town, especially regarding the church/temple. Resource collection as aforementioned. I really enjoy RPGs, and the ability to delve into the mind of a character, and would do my utmost to maintain the integrity of the town. I enjoy building, so if the town leaders desired a building to be created I would enjoy helping, but respect that I am a citizen of the town and should follow orders, esp. regarding builds. (Part of why I am applying is the building style is one that I really like!)


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
By the end of this week, traveling to Timbervale will be done through the Heaven's Reach harbour.
To do this, we need to have a ship in HR and in Timbervale so we can place the portals.
The HR Builders Guild can even provide you with a fantastic ship if you want to.
Please let me know where you want to have the ship and we will place it.


Lord of Westray
We already have a ship that you spawn in on when using the current portals. So, we can either use that one or get a fancy new ship moored just outside the city walls.

- Boulder


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
The spawn portals will be replaced by a more realistic way of travel. They were always meant to be temporary.
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