Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Yaay! Thank you very much! Looking forward to getting to know everybody in the town.

Edit: And if I may be so bold, there is a particular house I had my sights on, if I may request it. It is Mr.Paste's former house I believe?


Legend of Altera
Sorry I couldn't come Seven, I was at a wedding. Is there any other time you would want to meet me in-game?


Hollows Explorer
@roof, if it look like the others (i.e red brick with half stone on top it will be fine) just let me know when you complete it or paste so we can verify it meets "code"

@Mcgellan its sunday 1:33 pm i'll be on for aprox a half hour longer if you can get on. if not it ill be tomorrow night before i can meet you.


Lord of Altera
Gah! I'm back from vacation! Only 1 week and I've missed so much! D: Well, I'm back. Anyone miss me? :3



In-Game Name: Hodges32

RP Name: Thade

Role you wish to fill and why: Having read through your existing citizens i felt that i could possibly fill the role of hunter as your city has a butcher without a distinct supplier of the meat. Another option i would happily uptake would be of a town guard/scout. (though i am aware that the meat gathering role may be taken by farmers breeding animals etc)

A couple sentences about yourself: I have a large history of gaming and enjoy community style games and value community progression over my own. I am new to the server and hope to commit to helping advance a settlement. I have interests in sports, games and really enjoy a social environment including in games.

How do you feel you can add to this community:
I feel i can help add to the minor roles of the city such as the hunter, helping to enhance the wealth and community. I feel that as a hunter i can work closely with the two butchers you currently have in the city. I feel that i can enhance the city as a social hard working citizen.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Name: Narvendel

RP Name: Erik Fletcher

Role you wish to fill and why: Any of the hunter/gatherer roles, so Butcher, Farmer, and Miner, and Blacksmithing and Guard are also appealing, so whichever you need most.

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm assuming these are aimed towards player personality, and not RP personality. I'm a laid-back 22 year old male that has over a year's worth of MC experience. I'm great at building and mining, decent with redstone, and I'm not that experienced with PvP, but I'm apparently hard to kill. I've looked around several towns and I think your town fits what I want out of the server most.

How do you feel you can add to this community: As I've stated above, I have plenty of Minecraft experience and I'm up to any task that is asked of me. Due to my high level of maturity and level head, and my good sense of humor, generally I can keep those around me having a good time.


Lord of Altera
City Name: Timbervale
Mayor: Maverichero
Assistants: Gamer2255, Gravenor14, Angella302, Sevenseasbees
Current Wealth: Fluctuates! We are a growing community and use our money to buy plots.
Coordinates: 2616,65,9760
Population: Residents:
Maverichero- (Lord of Timbervale)
Gamer2255- (Council member/ Guildmaster)
Gravenor14- (Council member/ Master of Coin)
Angella302- (Council member/ Baker)
Sevenseasbees (Council Member/ Captain of the Gaurd)
hiimmary789-Demi (farmer/miner)
DaPrez- (guard/personal body guard of Grave)
mathmck- Charles (Alchemy shop)
usernametd- Daenerey (farmer)
lotheir-Lotheir (merchant)
Squareblob-Sion (miner/guard)
MaxDemone- Dae-Draug (guard/blacksmith)Coolkid2972- Garath (enchanter/Librarian/guard)
mustardnub- Renis Xeden Tanor (guard)
james3000115-Jarret Kolby (innkeeper)
Anniekatt-Katt (farmer)
danta4000-Anchforth (butcher)
LethalTerror77-Leth Tera (Guard/miner)
spiderburnder-Tydron (librarian/enchanter)
Nokirar-Flaggerty Granger (Barkeeper/Tavern)
_happyminer_-Albert (Bertie) (guard)
2buggs- (guard/blacksmith?)
brendan95-Brendan (Butcher)
Evansmoot- Professor Evan Maxwell (enchanter)
Mr_Paste-Fatherton J. Paste (Blacksmith)
aman7743-Bellon (farmer/gatherer)
Boulderpaul-Boulder (lumberjack/Blacksmith-lvl250)
Sukkarakan-Shayna Seivren (farmer)
Hawtyongstud-Tywin Lancaster (Merchent/Miner)
Sasuke776-Nicholas Stormblade (Lumberjack)

Town Discription: Timbervale is a growing city nestled in between the rivers __ and __ in the western forests. The focus of Timbervale is community. We strive to work together on a common goal decided on by city council for the good of us all. Everyone has a voice here, and everyone’s opinion matters. If you are looking for a tight knit group, can work as a team member and have a good time doing it then Timbervale is the place for you!

Town Orginizations:

The Guardians of Timbervale
Discription: Timbervale is a growing city nestled in between the rivers __ and __ in the western forests. The focus of Timbervale is community. We strive to work together on a common goal decided on by city council for the good of us all. Everyone has a voice here, and everyone’s opinion matters. If you are looking for a tight knit group, can work as a team member and have a good time doing it then Timbervale is the place for you!

How to become a resident of the town: Please leave an application here in the forum, thank you.

In-Game Name:
RP Name:
Roll you wish to fill and why:
A couple sentences about yourself:
How do you feel you can add to this community:

Daily Tax Rate: None

Cheapest Plot Cost: Town members are entitled to one home. After that if you have a special need for more space it can be discussed.

Location on map and how to get there:

Builds planned and constructed
Town buildings:
City Wall- 100%
Brewery - 0%
Council Hall- 100%
Harbour/ships – 0%
Message board –100%
RP job board - 0%
Farm - 90%
Bakery – 100%
Blacksmith – 100%
MarketPlace – 90%
Church - 100%
Library - 100%
Barracks- 100%
Bank- 50%

Special Events: We greatly enjoy hosting special events and RP events within our city walls. If you are interested in having an event please contact one of the city leaders to begin planning.

Building Code: Here at Timbervale we are more then happy to provide housing for every member. To keep in the cities theme and general look we ask you to not change or modify the outside of any structure without explicit permission. The inside of your home is however open game to be customized to however you would like it to be. Please keep it at to a medieval/fantasy theme.
Basements can not go any deeper then 10 blocks and must remain within the footprint of your home. We ask this so we do not undermine our fair city as well as leaving an area for possible future expansion and projects. If you are interested in having a chimney please let one of the town leaders know and we will be more then happy to install it for you.
We are a more down to earth place and wish that to be reflected in the dwellings present. All builds are to be constructed in a basic Medieval theme. If you would like special permission for a build outside of this then submit it to the city council.

Once you have found a house you like and have moved in with permission of a city leader please put a sign next to your door with the following information:

RP name
Job in town

Jobs in Town: To help facilitate more RP and establish concrete roles in town we will be looking for people to fill the following roles. This list will grow as the city grows. We do ask that every resident take up one of these jobs/roles.

Lord Mayor: (Maverichero) The leader of the town. Delegates responsibilities and guides the town. Is chair of the town council.
City Council: (Gamer2255, Angella302, Gravenor14, Sevenseasbees) This is the ruling group of the city and are all considered assistant mayors. Consisting of a selected group of trusted citizens. all major decisions in regards to the town are made within this group. The mayor chairs this council and will call for a vote on all major issues.
Captain of the Guard: (Sevenseasbees)The Captain’s main purpose is keeping the peace within our fair city. In times of great need the Captain of the Guard will call for the Guardians of Timbervale as well as the Militia to be formed up to protect the city and will lead them beside the town mayor into combat.
Master of Coin: (Gravenor14) Maintains the towns bank as well as towns records.
Farmer(2): The city farmers maintains crops grown for the city as well as tending its herd of animals.
Butcher: cooks all meat products and ensures the city has a proper supply in both storage and for sale.
Baker: (Angella302)Makes all baked good and ensures the city has a proper supply in both storage and for sale.
Miner: The miner ventures off to gather raw materials as needed. They are to try to keep the city stores filled at all times. Anyone can be a miner in addition to there other responsibilities in town. This is a great position for a new player to come into and find where there niche is.
Blacksmith: forges all city tools and weapons as well as maintain a stock for sale. Works closely with the miners. Multiple people can fill this roll and we ask that they take on another position as well as this one. You can use this Rp title to sell your own wares within the city.
Apothecary: (math) Supplies the city with all potions needed.
Enchanter/ Librarian: Maintains the city library and is the primary enchanter for the city. When needed he may call forth an adventuring group to go forth and gain levels with him.
Innkeeper: the inn keeper maintains the town inn, welcoming both new members and visitors supplying them with a room until a home can be found for them. They will keep a full and varied stock of food on site for sale supplied from other members of the city.
Militia: Every town member from Mayor to new arrival is considered a member of the militia. When the town is threatened the Mayor or the Captain of the Gaurd can call for the Militia and all citizens will pick up weapons and defend there homes. At this time all orders from the mayor or Captain of the Gaurd are to be taken as law.
Guardians of Timbervale: This elite standing army has been formed to defend Timbervale and all of its citizens and interests. A member of the guard may hold another position within the city. He or she may reside either in the barracks or in his or her own home.

All members are free to sell any good they gather while on town business as long as there agreed quota is met. No member will be taxed on anything sold in this manner. All proceeds from chest shops in public buildings will go into the city bank for the purposes of growing the city. all proceeds from chests within the market go to the control of that market stall.

Rights as a member: As a member of Timbervale you have the right to several services of the city. Every member has the right to one home assigned to them by the mayor/assistant mayor on hand upon them joining. If they wish to wait for a better home they may have a room in the inn at no cost. Every member has the right to one vault within the bank (once built) containing two double chests at no cost. Every member may apply for a stall within the market. Regrettably this will come as a first come first serve basis but a list will be established for future openings. Every member has the right to have there voice heard as well as a vote in all city meetings. If you don’t like any policy of the city bring it to the mayor and the council for discussion. Every member has the right to live happily and peacefully. Every member has the right to trial. If you are accused of a crime in Timbervale you may request to have your case heard by the entire council who will decide on your fate.

If any member breaks another town members rights or any city rules and are found guilty of this crime they will be expelled from the Timbervale after a hearing with either the mayor or the entire council. Griefing anything inside the town is unacceptable and you will be asked to leave without the option of coming back. If you are found guilty in a trial you will follow the councils rulings or be removed.


Lord of Altera
Application:In-Game Name:Zimrock
RP Name:Marcus Zimrock
Roll you wish to fill and why: i am a traveler from a far off land just retired from the soldiers life and looking for a quiet community where i could set up a farm or maybe later on a small shop.
A couple sentences about yourself: i am a retired electrical contractor. i have a large garden that i enjoy tending. i also enjoy biking, amateur radio and historical reenacting.
How do you feel you can add to this community: i am good with my hands and can do just about any job. i enjoy giving to the community.
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