Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Too many heroes (and more)


Lord of Altera
Well, I agree that we do need more "normal" people but I also see the point that people don't want to just play simple characters. But this is roleplaying, you should be free to choose who you are and decide what your character is, this has always how it has been run.
And it is incredibly arrogant to say that simply because you play as a normal person, others have to roleplay as normal as well.
You can choose to play as a normal person and they are free to choose what they roleplay as.
Don't make threads complaining about it.

But here's a blast of realism, they aren't gonna change the entire way the server is structured simply because a few players are being whiney about a few bad role-players they have seen or a perceived lack of structure. I've seen plenty of "regular" characters, Farmers, blacksmiths, tea shop owners... etc
And what you are suggesting with making a system to earn the titles is understandable but this is Minecraft and plugins are limited by Java, and it would be a lot of work for something so insignificant
And with the sheer amount of titles available (over 250 last time I checked) it's practically impossible to make a challenge for all of them, and the amount of titles you have available has always been a bonus for donators.
Would you take away titles from people who have donated money to help keep the server running?

And the last time I checked, your title didn't determine your roleplay and it was the other way round, with people choosing titles to suit their roleplay character.


Lord of Altera
I'm not trying to be mean or anything.
But it does annoy me slightly and I'm actually save you a lot of work which ultimately would be wasted :/

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Leo Decroix said:
I'm not trying to be mean or anything.
But it does annoy me slightly and I'm actually save you a lot of work which ultimately would be wasted :/
....wasn't being sarcastic, you did once again save the day


The Arbiter of the Gods
I personally don't care about any sort of title system. I think it's fine as it is. However, I must disagree with the character thing. I know this is an RP server, and you're allowed many things, but it's seriously unfair on the normal RP characters to face someone who can blow up the world with a sneeze. To that freedom of choice, there are limitations. Pretty well set limitations. It's people's job to ensure these limitations and rules are kept. OP character doesn't mean a character that is different. Everyone is different. OP character is someone who can do whatever the hell he wants, who can suddenly start controlling you or reading your mind with no struggle. Someone who can move freely in time. Overpowered characters are ones that give not just unfair advantage that can be counterbalanced with sword skills or archery skills, an OP character is someone who simply CANNOT be fought because he could disintegrate you with a blink.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Queen Grief is not OP, as she is the evil character of HW. Her story is very well thought out and she is basically just a very, very powerful Demon. That doesn't mean anyone can be as powerful as her. No one should, because the idea is that to defeat her, the whole community has to fight.
And as for Corbenic, I see nothing OP about him. He likes lying traps, and people just invade his house. Hell, if someone decided to go into my house without knocking, I'd be mad. :p


Lord of Altera
Queen Grief is not OP, as she is the evil character of HW. Her story is very well thought out and she is basically just a very, very powerful Demon. That doesn't mean anyone can be as powerful as her. No one should, because the idea is that to defeat her, the whole community has to fight.
And as for Corbenic, I see nothing OP about him. He likes lying traps, and people just invade his house. Hell, if someone decided to go into my house without knocking, I'd be mad. :p
I didn't say they were OP neither :I


A character's purpose is to develop a story from a perspective depending on that individual character's experiences. To say that we should necessitate people being more "normal" such as your character isn't really taking into account the advantage of the freedom the player base has been given. The problem is not that too many characters are combatants; the problem is that too few players can properly roleplay combat and thusly resort to Player Versus Player instead of Combat Roleplay. Considering this is a roleplay server, I take issue with most if not all physical conflicts involving Player Versus Player.

Even then, the fact that they are playing a character with affinity to physical conflict is not inherently a hindrance to the overarching storyline of the world that has been built. It is fun to play a character who can fight to some people, just as it is fun to play a cook or a farmer to others. The issue is when someone decides that their character is some sort of overpowered wizard or spirit or this person really wants their character to be considered significantly powerful. Then people do not make effort towards developing a good story, they make effort towards making the story all about them.

This is not to say Villain character should not be significantly powerful in some cases, and the same with Hero characters. Queen Grief is powerful because if she were not, she would not be able to provide the roleplay that she does. This being said, the person playing Queen Grief uses the power responsibly and does not abuse it. They use their power to facilitate roleplay as all powerful characters should. Not to make it about themselves. Not everyone should be trusted with the power of magic and wizardry and godliness and evokation. If everyone is all-powerful, who is the most powerful? Who is the least powerful? No one; it becomes a bland struggle for nothingness that eradicates all enjoyment for those who desire to play characters without remarkable powers.

Ja? Nein? Opinions?


Forgive me for the double post, but I'd also like to address the thought that playing someone who is considered 'normal' is not fun. For those who like to focus on more personal, dramatic representations that are far more realistic than most roleplay experiences, playing a farmer and his wife in a farmhouse in a land about to experience the conflict of war is some of the most amazing story you can have.

Roleplay is about character interactions. You have to realize that other people are behind each of the characters. Otherwise, just go and write yourself a book or something.


The Arbiter of the Gods
You, my good sir, deserve a medal. Two, in fact. These two posts were very true and very well written. I didn't find any points I couldn't agree on.


Magus of Nothing
If you rp often your char gets very complicated, very quickly. There are things you can do to stem this but your character will inevitably end up with a complex personality, and due to human nature, many good quails ties and not s many bad.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I take issue with most if not all physical conflicts involving Player Versus Player.

If you'll permit me, I'd like to explain why you shouldn't take issue, and how once you accept the mechanics of the game, you'll no longer have this issue you face below:

The issue is when someone decides that their character is some sort of overpowered wizard or spirit or this person really wants their character to be considered significantly powerful...

...If everyone is all-powerful, who is the most powerful? Who is the least powerful? No one; it becomes a bland struggle for nothingness that eradicates all enjoyment for those who desire to play characters without remarkable powers.
Here's the thing. In real life just as much as anywhere in gaming, you're going to have people claim to be things they really just can't be. Just like how the kids on here claim to be master swordsman and archmages of the highest caliber, so too will you find drunks at the bar who claim to be ex-CIA agents, famous actors, and the greatest fighters alive.

So how do you reign in that "OP"-ness that so many want to claim? Two ways.

Firstly, the realistic implications of the setting. In the real world, you could call me on my bluff that I'm Samuel L Jackson, because I don't sound nor look like him. On the server, This is easily blocked by setting character restrictions. This already seems to be in pretty good effect already. That's great, becuase you'll stop most of the crazy "I'm a half vampire half dragon god smiter that is a reincarnation of a anthropomorphic lion ninja gun-mage," and that's good.

So what about that drunk claiming to be the best fighter alive? We need situational resolution to determine the outcome.

You could just say he's not. But that's not really going to stop his claims. You could even counter-claim that you're a better fighter. However, that guy will continue to claim to be the best ever until it's proven otherwise. This is why you need the mechanics in the game.

That new player that's been on all of a couple of hours, that runs around without armor on and a plain, non-enchanted iron sword is obviously not the best swordsman in Altera. He'll probably try to claim that he is though. His claim, as we can all see, is illegitimate. However, with nothing to counter his claim but words, the two sides could continue arguing ad nauseam. However, the new player's incorrect assumption is quickly put to rest by a veteran player with a highly enchanted sword and good reflexes. There is no dispute here. The mechanics of the game become the situational resolution.

So, lets go back to your issue in question. Way too many people want to be known as the most powerful fighter of the server, or at least better than the person they're fighting. Through free form roleplaying, we may see some resolution, if all players agree (if they did, we wouldn't have this thread). However, swapping the free form for actual situation resolution, we now have an absolute. The most powerful can easily be spotted, and everyone in between, because the mechanics of the game decide the victor, and we all agree on the mechanics (if you didn't, you wouldn't play minecraft).

This doesn't mean the roleplay is lost due to using game mechanics. If any of you have ever played in a LARP (live action role play), you'll know that roleplaying and game mechanics work side by side. A dice roleplaying game like DnD is another example, though I feel that LARP mechanics are a closer fit to a roleplay minecraft experience.

Just to close, let me say I'm not trying to force a change on the server or anything. I really like what you all have going on. I just figured I'd submit a possible solution to a problem that many of our players seem to be having a problem with. I've been told in the past that sometimes my writing comes across as domineering, especially when it goes long. I promise it's not my intention, please forgive if that's the way it reads. I'm really open to dissenting opinion, and I probably don't know everything about how the roleplay goes on the server, so if there is a problem with my solution let me know.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Depending on situation. In certain situations, free PvP is the best solution. There is no way of denying that. However, most of the time you'll find that knowing the mechanics behind sword fighting can get you far further.
I, for instance, am allright at PvP. Not the best, and I will never claim so. I can, however, put up a fight unless someone just decides to attack me from behind when I'm mining cobble. However, because I more or less know the mechanics of a real sword fight, an RP sword fight is a far greater option for me. Again, I don't claim I'm da best, because I would never claim that in most, if not all, matters.
Now let's take that example. A guy claims to be the best swordsman in the world, and wears no armour and wields an iron sword. If you do not manage to put his claims down using words, because I am honourable, I would warn my opponent that I am challenging him. If he declines, I can easily say he's not the best, since he doesn't want to fight. If he accepts, the following things may happen.
It may be a PvP fight, which is very fast and not very interesting from RP point of view, especially considering things cannot be said during such fights. As a matter of fact, such short fights would realistically be in place, because it's not Hollywood and a sword fight took seconds, but the fight itself would be generally boringly short and not dramatical.
Or, it could be an RP fight. Now, this is the fight that would receive more love. It would be dramatic and fun for both sides, no matter the outcome. The OP diamond armour and weapon can be counterbalanced that way, leading to the use of pure skill and knowledge of fighting. While this fight involves more typing then clicking, it can be enjoyed even by someone who loses. Of course, an armour does help, just the same as weapon type. However, new possibilities crop up, such as trying to stab the opponent between the plates of armour.
So, if the situation took place in SW or with the clear intention of killing someone, PvP would be a far better choice. However, in an RP situation, that noob would be forced to think a little harder then "im le bestest bast swordz". He cannot dodge and attack forever too, especially someone more experienced, because everyone watching will frown upon that. Trust me, they will.


Legend of Altera
I think for two characters whos powers are representable in the mechanics of minecraft (two swordsmen for example) it is best to use the minecraft mechanic. When you're character walks you don't type *I walk forward 5 meters* you just walk. Similarly, instead of typing *I slash* you should just slash.


The Arbiter of the Gods
But again, we get the problem of too fast fight. I disbelieve you read what I wrote. The problem with MC's PvP is that it's probably the worst fighting system in all games. Skill is only important up to around iron. Diamond is all about who has the better enchantments and better armour.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
MRPolo13 said:
But again, we get the problem of too fast fight. I disbelieve you read what I wrote. The problem with MC's PvP is that it's probably the worst fighting system in all games. Skill is only important up to around iron. Diamond is all about who has the better enchantments and better armour.
Which is why we must say *slash* instead of doing it