Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~I threw it on the ground


Loyal Servant of Altera
Okay, first off, Hi. How are you. Four of you know me, but haven't seen me, and the rest of you got off lightly. I'm about to change that :D

I'm new to the server, but not entirely new to roleplaying. Because of the nature of my character I have to really wait for approval before formally introducing myself, so I'll just say hi as a forum ghost for now. What I'm posting here for is advice. Big or small, trivial or important. It might even be something like "Don't upset the fish. They Know". (Subtle hint that I know about the rising waters despite never having set foot on Altera)

So, to all veterans of Altera, and to those who've just begun. I ask you, what is your number one top tip for the man who just got rescued by the sisterhood?
(side note for all interested, the reason I'm going to remain a mystery is purely physical. I can't join the flippin' server. Sucks to be me. This will be sorted soon, but in the mean time, don't TL;DR, help me out! :cool:)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Coolblox's Top Tip: Maybe don't piss off Basil. Befriend me, or Morgan Freeman will come for your soul.
Hm. Two top tips for the price of one. But what if I'm secretly Morgan Freeman, disguised as Ben Stiller, disguised as a student hmmmmmmmmm? Aha! Loophole.

I sense a recurring theme with some of these tips. Basil eh?


Lord of Altera
Lament's Legit Tip: Get involved in an organization that really reflects your character's views, or his skills. First of all, this gives you something to do with your time, as most organizations (especially smaller, beginning ones) have a lot they want to accomplish, and you can help them do it. This is also good, because when you are RPing with people, it gives you a nice little conversation point to bring up, which can sometimes help get fully-fledged role-plays into action.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Basil's Top Tip: Shut up and enjoy the ale. If I ask you to do anything, do it.

BLarg's Top Tip: Do what Basil says if you plan to RP around the Lamb and don't want to lose any limbs.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Basil's Top Tip: Shut up and enjoy the ale. If I ask you to do anything, do it.

BLarg's Top Tip: Do what Basil says if you plan to RP around the Lamb and don't want to lose any limbs.
... boom boom?
You will most definitely be meeting me one way or another. I'm looking forward to it already.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lament's Legit Tip: Get involved in an organization that really reflects your character's views, or his skills. First of all, this gives you something to do with your time, as most organizations (especially smaller, beginning ones) have a lot they want to accomplish, and you can help them do it. This is also good, because when you are RPing with people, it gives you a nice little conversation point to bring up, which can sometimes help get fully-fledged role-plays into action.
BLarg's Top Tip: Do what Basil says.
Best tips thus far. Anyone gonna try and beat them? Oh my, a challenge.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
About every peasant in Altera has at least tried once. Hence, there are several with the name "Basil" scarred into their face, many more are crippled because of fear.


Loyal Servant of Altera
So the mortal fear of you is keeping everyone schtum? That's hardly sporting. You're already leading by 4:1 seeing as three people warned me about you :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
That's only part of it. Basil is much more bite than bark, he does not exaggerate when he says he could kill you in a hundred different ways without Pyromancy.


Lord of Altera
About every peasant in Altera has at least tried once. Hence, there are several with the name "Basil" scarred into their face, many more are crippled because of fear.
Speaking of which... I just thought of something Blarg. While in life, Erlewis had Basil's mark, Lament bears no scar whatsoever. Interesting... my characters are always teaching me new things about themselves...