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Game Of Crowns

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Lord of Altera
You do have a point, since this is my first time hosting this there's still a lot of problems to iron out. I think for the first 3 months of ruling, the King cannot be overthrown/killed. But if the King is excessively inactive or a bad King (say if he fights/kills anyone that enters his court with a "Hello?") then he will have to be overthrown and the game will restart.

As long as the King has fulfilled his responsibilities, stays active and rp's responsibly, then he shouldn't worry about losing the Crown.


I think I might like it here
Yes, yes. Love and hope. Hypocritical arse.

(Shall be in RP whenever he responds to Harateth for the lols of it.)
But, good mortal, your soul must have these things within them, and this tongue should be cleansed with my everlasting Love..

(And I will keep trolling on)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
But, good mortal, your soul must have these things within them, and this tongue should be cleansed with my everlasting Love..

(And I will keep trolling on)
Yes, yes. Perhaps you recall the curse you put upon the Vyres simply for worshiping Kilrox? There is such love in fearing the very sun because you burn whenever you step into it.

(Dis'll be fun.)


I think I might like it here
Yes, yes. Perhaps you recall the curse you put upon the Vyres simply for worshiping Kilrox? There is such love in fearing the very sun because you burn whenever you step into it.

(Dis'll be fun.)
Kilrox is a bane and a torment to put up with.. There is always one (If not two) mad ones in every family.. The "Vyre" as you call them were a bane as well, you all saw how I handle Banes..

(That it shall, good sir)
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