Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Free Sketches

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Even though Misrir has died, would you still be able to draw him for me?
Y'know... memories, man, memories!


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Name: Ced J'sera
Appearence/Important Details: Dark green cloak with a large hood (either hood up or hood down, either's good), all tattered (COZ OF U) and all bloodstained (COZ OF U). Blood-red baggy shirt underneath, and a white vest thing under that (but that's like, barely visible).
Pose: If you fancy a challenge... Crouching on a tree limb, with an arrow knocked but the bow lowered. Kinda like the attached picture :D If not, just standing, looking serious :D
Props: Bow :D Or he could be fiddling with an arrow. OHMYDAYS he could have Scruff on his shoulder or something :O
Expression: You know Ced. He's either being a cheeky so-an-so, grinning 'wolfishly', or he's all moody and serious, frowning slightly. You deciiiide~!
MC Skin: Caedd.png

Character profile with his full physical description is in my signature if you need it :3



Coffee Enthusiast
Name: Dayter Arretez
Appearence/Important Details: Darkish green and grey mottled cloak with a hood. (preferably up) Brownish green/grey Under shirt with a belt that carries multiple small knives. Of course His massive longbow and quiver. Pretty short compared to most people. Greyish unkept kind of beard. Hood When up Conceals most of his face including eyes. Older about 50-60s
Pose: Preferably him standing erect with the back drop of a forest, Seemingly blending in and out of view due to his cloak. almost mesmerising. Pretty much melting into the background. (Also Leaning on his massive longbow)(hood up concealing his face:D) Shadows around him.
Props: Again of course His massive longbow Maybe some of his knives visible at his belt. Quiver at his back.
Expression: Always lingering in the shadows, more almost mysterious. Straight forward, And has a face of authority. Always serious. And witty. (Use Profile picture for expamples :D So basically straight face although his face will be concealed. Looks like Halt :heart:
C Skin:deashHood OLD LOOK.png

download (5).jpg another example


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
REALLY sorry this is taking so long. Working doubletime now T_T

Here I drew you guys a dragon

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