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Broken Moon

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Oguk can only do basic magick, he is a melee/unarmed character but has a small grasp of magick due to his Darkblood level four. However due to this event he is one of the best magick wizards ever, only enough power to manipulate shadows, or make a small flame yet one of best wizard ever because... YOU ALL LOST YOUR MAGICK!!! Woo! Waghhhhh!

Calm self...


He's a Darkblood-
They don't lose their magic, as it's linked to Queen Grief.

...I think, at least.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Welp, the only magic holding Clouds' shell together has become ineffective, causing a delightful ripping of the flesh and cuts and cracks appearing where they shouldn't. He has fixed himself with bandages to slow down the bleeding, but he is next to useless in battle.. I think he might need some magic really soon..


Non sum qualis eram
This sucks.
My character trained at Yoshi's Island for 1-2 irl months,
And now I can't use that magic that I learnt?
Yep, that's correct.

That place was essentially defunct before I ever even joined the server. That magic system has been invalid for quite some time and is quite different from the magic lore now.

The reason why everybody loses magic is because, quite frankly, the use of magic has been a complete and utter mess of varying practices, most of which have not followed the standards.

As such, we let people use what they had up until now, but at some point we have to take a stand and reorganize and standardize the system.

Ergo, an event, a mystery, an investigation, and as the mystery of what happened to magic is figured out thus can the new system be released.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
... Oguk lost his magic, too.
Oh yeah?

The magic used by Tavish and the darkbloods is unaffected, bring provided by Queen Grief.

Other things that still work:

Enchantment Tables.
Items enchanted with Enchantment tables.

This list might grow if I realize I've forgotten something.

Edit 2:

I did.

Beacons providing vanilla effects work based off of the known wards on Altera, and will continue to function as normal.
Outsmarted by an Earthspawn. Take that! Waaagh!


Non sum qualis eram
Lore and system are ready for deployment, event commenced.

Event is to clean house, then introduce new elements once people figure some key things out about what happened and why.


Naelwyn said:
Lore and system are ready for deployment, event commenced.

Event is to clean house, then introduce new elements once people figure some key things out about what happened and why.
I understand now thank you :p