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Lord of Altera
From the lovely @Michcat , which has summarized her perfectly! :heart:

Recent Events:

She has returned. She is recognizable, but she refuses to acknowledge anyone, often stating she does not remember... a familiar excuse, is it not?

Oddly enough, she has dropped her last name.


Name interpretation:
Unknown, but Therry thinks it means "quiet" or "joy". Hansdotter is the name she adopted when she married, which she has now resigned.


Nickname interpretation:
Therry likes to fish, and has a bad memory to accompany it.

(birthdates make no sense) Sometime in Lightshine, Late twenties.



Physical Appearance

She wears a familar cloak, though ragged and torn, bearing an odd array of symbols. They look like the scirbbled antics of a madman. Yet the drawings are not of the same creator.

Apparent age:
She appears to be a fifteen year-old human.

Facial features

Eyes: Pale blue, large for her age.
Jawline: Slightly rounded chin, small lips, no facial hair, jaw-bones only slightly noticeable.
Hair: Bright red/orange. Formerly over a foot long.
Brow: Moderate sized forehead and small brow-line.
Other?: Half of her left earlobe is gone. No freckles or acne blemishes. Scars line her features, greatly diminishing her former innocent appearance.
Body features

Skin color: Very pale tan, especially on her body covered by her clothes.
Skin blemishes/scars: No blemishes to speak of; she has one very potent scar directly below the center of her ribcage, and on her spine opposite from it.
Skin condition: Rather well kept, baths regularly. No hair anywhere, except on her head. Hair has been cut short to about... 4 inches as most.
Body build: Thin and lean, and seems impossible to gain any weight.
Bust size: Barely even visible, and especially invisible under clothes.
Weight: 97 pounds
Height: Three feet, nine
Other?: Clothes disguise her lean body. Still very light nonetheless.

Intellectual Appearance

Similar to Utopia from Sailor Moon.

Mental maturity:
What mental clarity she had is now long forgotten.

Therry's intelligence has flattened out at slightly above average, about 98 IQ. How she uses this intelligence is questionable.

Meaningful statement:
"I want to be free. I want to be gone."

Choice of entertainment:
Writing her thoughts; said thoughts being almost indecipherable and convolted.

Music taste:
What she likes in music isn't really what can be called music... considering she appreciates no harmonies at all.

Instrumental capabilites:
Skills long forgotten.

Reading capability:
Can read Common fluently, but knows very little of other languages.

Memory capability:
Must write down important information. Suffers from short-term-memory-loss, and may suffer from permanent brain damage and minor long-term memory loss.

Social capability:
She is a quiet observer who will pitch in her words as she desires. She never gives her undivided attention, as something else always seems to be on her mind.

Positive personality traits:
She is extremely kind and generous. Therry has a tendency to go to those in need.She is willing to share her belongings, and has a hard time accepting gifts.

Therry, now, has become rather reclusive, and only tends to help those she believes to be truly innocent, which really only applies to children in her eyes.

These traits now only apply to the very few who have earned her trust.

Negative personality traits:
Therry is very easy to take advantage of emotionally and physically, being extremely sensitive and unable to detect lies and truth. Therry has a hard time trusting most, but randomly trusts others. She's very sensitive about love, and refuses to even try love with most, unless she falls in love first. Therry is also very definitely insane, and will change moods on a whim and without reason.

Causes of anger:
Therry is very quick to anger when in a negative mood. Thievery of any kind infuriates her, and often brings her to act out on it. Violence among friends and arguments tend to cause anger, but not to an unrestrained degree. Any mentions of her family will either send her to tears or make her flail about in rage.

Therry, while formerly having tamed her insanity, has now succumbed to the full force of the gift. She noticed that the hallucinations of what formerly scared her are now the greatest pleasures she has. She doesn't know what they are and does not care.

She remembers a face that scarred her before, and has now become one of security...

Physical Characteristics

Endurance level:
She can sprint about two hundred feet before collapsing in fatigue.

Physical skills:
While a decent fisherman(girl?), her arms are her only saving grace, and even those aren't impressive.

Activity level:
Goes for walks often.

Combat skills:
Has become mediocre with an axe after flinging one at the ground for a little while. Now actively tries to train herself, learning what swings are effective or not. Seeking combat training from more specialized individuals, but not actively.

Very agile and flexible. Can fit into small places. This stresses out her body though if done for too long.

Physical disabilities:
Very weak, and grows muscle at a very slow rate.

Disliked physical activities:
Anything excessively dirty.

Outside enhancers:
Therry uses no physically enhancing drugs or medicine, because she doesn't know of any.


Therry is quite the gifted fisherwoman, being able to wield even the shoddiest and massive of fishing rods, and use them well. She can cook anything she catches masterfully, and without being too complex about it to boot.

She is quite tolerant to pain.

Other capabilities:
None to speak of, really.

Emotional Characteristics

Common mood:
Can only be summed up by an overwhelming sadness...

Emotional pleasures:
She has stopped seeking emotional contentedness.

Good-mood activities:
Fishing is her only pleasure in life at this point.

Favorite activity:
Being alone...
Depressing activities:
Strenuous labor, dirty chores, doing errands, getting lost, socializing, thinking.

Least favorite activity:

Ideal fantasy:

She doesn't know what this would be, for the only good thing she can imagine, she is already capable of...

"I'm only subject to what my mind commands."

Therry's Past

None. Born closest to Port Silver.

Had a koi fish for a month, which died with the passing winter. Sparked her love for fish.

Taught everything by her surrogate father.

Past family members:
All dead.

Past friends:
All missing or forgotten.

General childhood:
Nomadic, having lived in several separate families, before getting abandoned by parents and forced to live off the land.

Present Characteristics


Alleys where food can be found.

None. Her market stall has been evacuated and left behind.

Dream career:





Character Relations (Current)




Aware of:

Wary of:




Has Forgotten Partially:
Robert, Tybalt, Elfa, Salheira, Mhaegan

Has Forgotten Entirely:
Athryl, Dax, Pip, Elmond, Archaeus, Ardaric, Morna, Nireth, Honch, Dayter, Will, Alex, Viktor, Scardrac, and everyone else who she has met.


Thanks to the wonderful @solusrequiem for this, it's so adorable and awesome!

By the lovely @Peach , I love this so much. It's nothing short of amazing. :heart:

From @Piratep00f : I frekkin love this, and now that Therry has a braid it actually makes a ton of sense :D

From good ol' @SallyPirate , is super amazing, can't even with this, too cute/awesome/amazing/yes

I may have forgotten some art along the way, I need to put them here as soon as I can ;-;

Whitelist Application (I'll create a more in-depth character bio later)


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Lord of Altera

Elfa: Therry met Elfa one day in Lydel, as she was fishing. She was far nicer than most, and trusted Therry almost immediately. The relationship sprouted very quickly, and has now grown into a marriage. Therry idolizes her, and seeks her for any issues she has. The only person who can calm her insanity. Being married now is the happiest moment in her life.

Tybalt: One of the first kindhearted people she met, Tybalt escorted her to Eresse. After she forgot this, he still showed kindness to her; he provided for her when she was starved and injured in Azerport. Therry was almost entirely obsessed with him, when she had no-one else to look up to. She still appreciates him, but hasn't seen him in a while.

Salheira: Salheira is becoming increasingly important in her life, as she gets more and more sucked into the religion. Therry goes to Sal for when Elfa is not around.

Nireth: A nice lady, they had a picnic together, along with Elfa and Merry. Not much can be said here though, as they have only barely met.

Mhaegan: Therry really wants to get this woman to stop drinking. She's drinking all of our wine dammit.

Honch: Brother of Habin, he's a bit crude but seems nice enough.

Habin: Therry's thoughts about Habin are very double-sided; he did provide her a free home, as well as sought out for her safety. But, she thinks of him as a bit of a pushy romantic, from what Elfa has told her. His promises of safety also proved that his word can either not be trusted, or he is inadequate to provide safety. Nonetheless, she still thinks of him as a good friend.

Dayter: Provided her with a safe haven, and appears to be a very safe and reliable man.

Will: He has proven himself to be a reliable protector in her eyes, and accompanied her to the ruined Port Silver.

Scardrac: Initially, she was very fearful of him. The first meeting they had was when he appeared in her house, without her permission. He called out her writings on the wall, and put her condition on the spot. She was very intimidated. After her first death, however, Scardrac apologized for this, but Therry had forgotten and forgave him. They have met infrequently since then, and she is unsure of his ways.

Robert Senatoor/Lydel/Arictus: At first, Therry really adored him. She gave him fishing lessons, during which he managed to land a fishing hook in his ear. After he moved into Lydel, she gave him a welcoming dinner, and they parted for a while. During her bout of insanity on route to Azerport, she impaled her ear with a fishing hook, to ensure she never forgot about him. But when she started hearing of his ways, she became doubtful, until the moment where he killed her. Therry didn't believe this at first; when Robert confronted her in Lydel, triggering another bout of insanity, she became sure of the murderer he was.

The relations with Robert is one of the most complicated aspects of her life... Therry is torn between forgiving him, hunting him down (That wouldn't work), and leaving him alone. She can only hope he doesn't do anything else to her, despite her wanting so much more out of it.

Ardaric: He helped her get on her feet, during her first days in the Northern Kingdoms. When she was in Azerport, he saw her drinking alcohol, and what it did to her; he put her in a safe room. Therry doesn't really know him too well.

Athryl: Therry has entirely forgotten who he is, having only met him when she was at the Naught; he was among the first to notice her unusual condition. Makes for an... interesting priest.

Elmond: He was the first to try and actively kill her; Pip, however, managed to push her out of the way and help her escape. This was the trigger of her first bout of insanity. Therry doesn't remember this.

Archaeus: Honestly, I don't even remember why he's on this list. Something happened during the Sallana summoning, that's all I remember

Alex Silversand: They met once or twice in Lydel, but they never really got to talk. However, being one of the only male halflings Elfa could trust, he is now going to be the father of her first child.

Morna: Therry introduced her to fishing, and quite liked her. But now, Morna now having serious complications with Vermella, Salheira, and Falandraal itself, Therry is wary... but still wants to help her.

Viktor: Therry didn't like this character at all when they met. But, after the Jishrim "spoke" to her and excited her insanity once more, Viktor took responsibility for her life, and carried her away from the action. For this... she believes that she owes a debt to this person.

Nera: "I wish this woman would just /focus/, dammit..."

@Hogo-Sha Kitsune
@Lady Alec
@IceandFire (we need to RP moar!)

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Lord of Altera
Port Silver lay on the horizon, waves beating on the shore to the wagon's right, the rain and wind almost forcing them into the sea with their ferocity. The caravan train was seven wagons long, steadily treading through the mud in a desperate attempt to find shelter within the city walls that could withstand the brutal storm. Every halfling in the wagons knew that their old, rackety cloth wagons could not withstand a night in nature's tough embrace.

A pregnant mother lay in the rear-most wagon, in heavy labor in preparation for birth. Not now, she thought, Silver's so close! She tried to speak her thoughts aloud, but she could only shriek in pain as her child was forcing its way into the world. The rain overshadowed her moans regardless, even to her husband who sat holding her hand. He bore a fatherly stare as he attempted to comfort his ailing wife. Beneath this gaze, despair tried to settle its way in, as it looked hopeless. She might die tonight.

An hour passed with little progress. She wailed and begged, her hand squeezing whatever was in her grasp for comfort. And then she heard the slightest cry. Her child was here. Her child was alive.

The halfling man went to see his child, a daughter with baby blue eyes, a normal weight, and a slightly bruised cranium that seemed unusual, but he hardly noticed. His daughter was alive, and he could not any more elated! The mother survived too, as her moans slowed down, and the pain subsided into a bearable ache that occupied her entire body. The wet cloth underneath her made the pain a little sharper, the rain on the back of her head still pelting her... but she hardly noticed when she held her crying daughter and fed her for the first time.

They named her Therry. There was no particular reason, other than they thought it sounded nice.

They arrived in Port Silver and camped inside the walls, huddled against the walls where the rain did not land.

Therry wasn't like her peers. At the age of one, she stared wide-eyed at all of the Halfling adults who came to celebrate. After all, she was the newest member of the family, and was lucky to have been safe and sound after her whole ordeal... or rather, mostly safe and sound. The bruise on the back of her head was gone, but it didn't feel quite right and Therry had some unusual behaviors. None of that mattered. Celebrations ensued, and Therry had delicious solid food for the first time. She would have liked it more if there had not been a dozen pairs of eyes trained on her expectantly, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.

When Therry was two, the adults in the group started to worry. She was showing very little progress when it came to speaking, walking, even socializing with others. At the age of three, she was undergoing unusual behaviors, with suddenly violent fits of rage where she pounded away at the nearest wall or the ground, crying until her parents came to comfort her. At four, she started speaking to others, but preferred letting her mom and dad talk for her.

She developed somewhat normally after her toddler years, reaching the age of twelve as an artistic storyteller who often told fantastic tales to the younger Halflings. Everyone appreciated this as it kept the kids out of their hair for a good amount of time, and soon Therry became the caretaker, unknowingly following the path of her mother.
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The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
*sits down on the thread! and unwraps a candy* I'll be here for awhile.


The rosiest of forests.
*Crosses arms and seats one self, close enough to see perfectly, but far enough away from.. any dangers*
That's better~
*Pulls out coffee and oreos*


Lord of Altera
I love how my thread managed to derail about nipples and lawsuits.

Aaaaand now I have an audience to live up to ;_; I'll do my best!


Lord of Altera
Been doing minor edits all morning, and I'll probably keep editing it in that fashion. Making art of this at school, hopefully I can get someone to make a computerized form of me :3