Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Portraits from HollowWorld


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
OH WOW POSTED IN THE WRONG THREAD!!! so i'll post it here again! xD
I present to you,
Benjamin Birchwood!
The words I wrote down for myself were:
- braided, knotted and decorated long hair + goatee and mustache.
- tribal style tattoos

- piercings and studs in ears
- haunted and sad look in eyes.
- scuffed and rugged appearance, muscular, weathered skin.

@Mad Hatter


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
To celebrate my 100th portrait, I'm giving the people who I've drawn portraits for the opportunity to receive the original drawing.
I reserve the possibility to not send the original but rather a copy, when it's of good quality, cause then I want the original for my portfolio / cv. I will send you an exact copy on shiny paper from the copy-shop instead.
If you (18+) are okay with giving your postal information in a private convo I will send the drawing of your character with a note from me, the artist, to your adress IRL. Remember, I'm not asking for your information, I'm simply stating you got the possibility to receive your drawing. The first 10 to send me a convo with their postal information will receive their character on paper.
Note that you have to prove to be 18+ to receive this letter with a drawing in it. Not 18 yet you still want to receive it? Maybe we can work it out over skype: Piratep00f

Now tagging everyone I've ever drawn a portrait for, it are less than 100 because for some I made 2 and for myself I made some too.
@blargtheawesome @The Roman Emporer @NinjaTangerine @Valonyx @Faelin @Thefatgerbil @Warwolf @The Chef @Canoli @Ninja_Kaboom @ShawnRules819 @Jónsak @Seth_Jenkins @Axell @freyadavis @Anithola @TheRandomkid321 @wakerman4 @abbeyvie @Azur_Deathblade @Goldengem25 @MaelstromPuddle @masterj13 @coolblox @mistaahh @NiNi @Jeroxia @Scardrac @King Oguk @Darko @SallyPirate @Cubey @cherbert @Mario Mluigifish @Aeturnumbrae @bogeyman134 @Servinae @Lemarc @darkkpfire @Myrmidon727 @Man5791 @Arken @Soccernut13 @Deash12 @Mitch @ForestRose @Baron @mairinbaihn @mucusBONES @Mokwar @The Living Ghost @BarbarianGaming @Yoda @MrStarkiller545 @Lannis @angryboy @Skuller @fhamersley @Iteráldi @ironassassin @IceandFire @Exclaimer @CatalysTftw @ACU20 @BrianAT16 @Mad Hatter
^^^ These are 66 people tagged.
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Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
If you are not afraid of giving your postal information in a private convo I will send the drawing of your character with a little letter to your adress IRL!! The first 10 to send me a convo with their postal information will receive this "Prize".
Hmm... I'm not really comfortable with sending people my address... hmm.


Retired Staff
Hm, should mention to those folk:

It is super sketchy to share IRL information with anyone online, and for those of you who aren't adults, your parents might not approve of getting mail from a stranger you've given personal information to online. I strongly advise against giving out any personal information.

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
To celebrate my 100th portrait, I'm gonna send 10 people the original drawing, the portrait that I drew for them!
If you are not afraid of giving your postal information in a private convo I will send the drawing of your character with a little letter to your adress IRL!! The first 10 to send me a convo with their postal information will receive this "Prize".
I reserve the possibility to not send the original but rather a copy, when it's of superb quality, cause then I want the original for my portfolio / cv.

Now tagging everyone I've ever drawn a portrait for, it are less than 100 because for some I made 2 and for myself I made some too.
@blargtheawesome @The Roman Emporer @NinjaTangerine @Valonyx @Faelin @Thefatgerbil @Warwolf @The Chef @Canoli @Ninja_Kaboom @ShawnRules819 @Jónsak @Seth_Jenkins @Axell @freyadavis @Anithola @TheRandomkid321 @wakerman4 @abbeyvie @Azur_Deathblade @Goldengem25 @MaelstromPuddle @masterj13 @coolblox @mistaahh @NiNi @Jeroxia @Scardrac @King Oguk @Darko @SallyPirate @Cubey @cherbert @Mario Mluigifish @Aeturnumbrae @bogeyman134 @Servinae @Lemarc @darkkpfire @Myrmidon727 @Man5791 @Arken @Soccernut13 @Deash12 @Mitch @ForestRose @Baron @mairinbaihn @mucusBONES @Mokwar @The Living Ghost @BarbarianGaming @Yoda @MrStarkiller545 @Lannis @angryboy @Skuller @fhamersley @Iteráldi @ironassassin @IceandFire @Exclaimer @CatalysTftw @ACU20 @BrianAT16 @Mad Hatter
^^^ These are 66 people tagged.
I would be cool with giving you my address, but maybe not on the open forum. Should I send a private conversation? Seems reasonable to me. Thank you again!


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I know, it's a bit... well, it's very difficult to be a good person in a world filled with bad persons. People might think I'm a nutter going after your personal information :/ I am going to change my post a bit, you are right @Baron . I just wanna make people happy :/


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I thought skyping might be the best way to solve this matter.
EDIT: Otherwise, staff, feel free to get rid of that line in the post by editing it. I don't want to bring myself nor you guys into trouble somehow :eek:
EDIT EDIT: If you, as the staff, come to the consensus that you do not want me to send these drawings to people, then please let one of your management team send me a message on behalf of all the staff not to use the postal information. I really do not want to go against any rules and this is still /your/ forum.
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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
To everyone who now suddenly changed his / her image of me, only because I ask for information to send a drawing to someone:
I would never use this information for anything else. I would never give it to anyone else. I am a trustworthy person.
First thing is I wouldn't even know what else I could do with this stuff, second is I'm too busy with my own life to start bothering about someone else's.
Sorry if my actions changed your image of me, but I'm genuinely only interested in sending those pictures to the ones they belong to, the people behind the character.
It's nice to have a pile of over 100 drawings, it's nice to share them via the computer, but if only people could see the real drawing. I'm afraid it's just too difficult with all these pervs, scammers, freaks and weirdo's roaming the internet. :/ so I've decided not to do it at all, unless people ask it of me.