Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Portraits from HollowWorld


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Everyone please re-read my initial celebration post... Happy 100th drawing P00f! Thanks! xD you guys :p

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
To celebrate my 100th portrait, I'm giving the people who I've drawn portraits for the opportunity to receive the original drawing.
I reserve the possibility to not send the original but rather a copy, when it's of good quality, cause then I want the original for my portfolio / cv. I will send you an exact copy on shiny paper from the copy-shop instead.
If you (18+) are okay with giving your postal information in a private convo I will send the drawing of your character with a note from me, the artist, to your adress IRL. Remember, I'm not asking for your information, I'm simply stating you got the possibility to receive your drawing. The first 10 to send me a convo with their postal information will receive their character on paper.
Note that you have to prove to be 18+ to receive this letter with a drawing in it. Not 18 yet you still want to receive it? Maybe we can work it out over skype: Piratep00f

Now tagging everyone I've ever drawn a portrait for, it are less than 100 because for some I made 2 and for myself I made some too.
@blargtheawesome @The Roman Emporer @NinjaTangerine @Valonyx @Faelin @Thefatgerbil @Warwolf @The Chef @Canoli @Ninja_Kaboom @ShawnRules819 @Jónsak @Seth_Jenkins @Axell @freyadavis @Anithola @TheRandomkid321 @wakerman4 @abbeyvie @Azur_Deathblade @Goldengem25 @MaelstromPuddle @masterj13 @coolblox @mistaahh @NiNi @Jeroxia @Scardrac @King Oguk @Darko @SallyPirate @Cubey @cherbert @Mario Mluigifish @Aeturnumbrae @bogeyman134 @Servinae @Lemarc @darkkpfire @Myrmidon727 @Man5791 @Arken @Soccernut13 @Deash12 @Mitch @ForestRose @Baron @mairinbaihn @mucusBONES @Mokwar @The Living Ghost @BarbarianGaming @Yoda @MrStarkiller545 @Lannis @angryboy @Skuller @fhamersley @Iteráldi @ironassassin @IceandFire @Exclaimer @CatalysTftw @ACU20 @BrianAT16 @Mad Hatter
^^^ These are 66 people tagged.
I do agree with the wisdom of not distributing personal information on the internet. Not in anyway whatsoever because I feel PiratepOOF is any variety of creeper but because the internets sticky webs are full of Mobs and information has a way of being preserved and pilfered.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Sorry for all the people with requests, but I got another thread somewhere else with people posting requests as well. The person's character description was so evil, so sadist, that it was hard to distinguish that character from the evil god Kilrox. I had just seen the thread "The true face of Harateth" and wanted to draw Harateth for fun and post it, but I couldn't really form an image in my mind of him. So I still wanted to draw a god. I drew this evil character, which is as evil as Kilrox himself. So if you see the same picture on a different forum, don't worry, it's on purpose. I just can't make 2 drawings of both characters that look different enough. They seem to be one and the same!

I present to you,
The Evil God
God of slaughter, slavery, pillage, blood, carnage, evil and oppression.
You can see all of these back in the oppressed souls that fill his chest and shoulder protection.

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
Holy crap man! Colour me impressed :D I haven't the words to express how great this is. I have a surprise for you that I will post later, I am busy with my daughter this morning :)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Here are some images from my tour of your old home. I went to place a donation of emerald but realized that I could not do that with out permission :p So I toured and explored. My favourite part was the shrine :D I hope you like them.
Oh wow it's all still there :D Don't see a reason why it shouldn't be though :p This is all the ruin, that used to be a smooth dwarven town for about a year, after which I changed it into a ruin that nature took charge of. Have you found the entrance to the Dwarven realm below too? That is all manually cut out, not a single bit of w/e :) You might like the church of Korog :)

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
Oh wow it's all still there :D Don't see a reason why it shouldn't be though :p This is all the ruin, that used to be a smooth dwarven town for about a year, after which I changed it into a ruin that nature took charge of. Have you found the entrance to the Dwarven realm below too? That is all manually cut out, not a single bit of w/e :) You might like the church of Korog :)
I spent some time climbing around but I ended up falling on my way down again :p I will have to go back and get you some shots of the Dwarven realm below if I can find it :D
What site do you use to post screen shots? I used google+ and it sucks.