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Faction Territory Borders


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
And you expect us to do what, spend 20 millions on plots just to make all of our territorial claims make sense?
No, I expect you to not throw a fit because your reach exceeds your grasp.

Legion this is RP, all these claims are RP claims and if if someone wants to they could claim an area is within their jurisdiction and enact their laws on it if they can enforce it in RP.
How can you enforce it in RP? what does that even mean? Currently, the server allows someone to build on those unclaimed territories. You might be able to persuade someone rply not to do it, but control? You dont have that power. You can say you have it, no problem there, but that doesnt mean its yours or that it means anything.

Well just to clarify.. This is for to territory claims. You can't expect anyone to claim as much land as their empire should properly own. That's just way too expensive.
If their empire is unable to have that much territory then it is not economically powerful enough for them to "properly own it."


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Important reminder: Our world is a strict 16Km x 16Km. A whole hell of a lot less land than, say, planet earth. Land is obviously going to be expensive. Its scarce. Your notions of "proper empire" dont apply. You want land, you buy it.


Lord of Altera
And Legion we're using the word claim as in terms of influence or where we say each of our laws apply, not as in "No one can build here this is ours."


Lord of Altera
Saeredan disbanded.
Tybalt has confirmed Marr doesnt want the desert.
There is no more Hammerfell mwahaha.
There are no farms in that area.
The Engem doctrine has claimed protection over Caparii so they can already be in that land and it still be Engem.
And the jungle has no buildings besides the Temple of Shalherana so I don't think anyone lives there. Besides Falandraal which has already made a post to be apart of Senatoor.
even without House Saeradan, that forest is the homeland of the Forest Elves.
if Marr not want Desert then the desert is Hammerfell
and Hammerfell was just me making up a name to excuse the fact that I really dont think anyone wants that desert except the desert people, and Engem shouldn't claim it unless theres a good cultural reason to do so.
"The Poor Farmers" was me... trying to figure out who would live in an area which I strongly believe should remain wilderness. it's the Warcamp have some respect.
it is true that the Engem have claimed protection over the caparii, so... yeah whatever those forests are taken to barbarianism I guess
my whole point there was that the nothern jungle (that has the temple of Shalherana) should not be claimed by House Senatoor, because who knows how many caparii and forsts elves might be invisibly living the the depths of that forest. maybe no characters making a caparii village town, but still. they have to be living somewhere in the Northern Kingdoms, and that jungle is the best bet.

and for the record, what I said using Falandraal as an example shouldn't be taken seriously, and I think I take it back. I don't own Falandraal, and though Falandraal is in the midst of Senatoor territory (even then, not with my edit), the truth of the matter is, that the founders of Falandraal have been at odds with the head of House Senatoor ever since he attacked Lydel. I do not expect House Hansdotter to actually swear allegiance to Senatoor, ever.


Non sum qualis eram
I've run the numbers and I can legitimately purchase a single line of plots from one side of the map to the other.

..could be pretty funny.


Lord of Altera
Saeredan disbanded.
Tybalt has confirmed Marr doesnt want the desert.
There is no more Hammerfell mwahaha.
There are no farms in that area.
The Engem doctrine has claimed protection over Caparii so they can already be in that land and it still be Engem.
And the jungle has no buildings besides the Temple of Shalherana so I don't think anyone lives there. Besides Falandraal which has already made a post to be apart of Senatoor.
Yarh, I don't care about the desert.
Why die of thirst when I have a fresh river to get water from.......and if you pee in it from upstream Brogan I'm going to dunk you in the loch :p


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
And Legion we're using the word claim as in terms of influence or where we say each of our laws apply, not as in "No one can build here this is ours."
How can you apply your laws there if anyone can just pop down a settlement and put up their own laws?


Lord of Altera
plea to House Senatoor:

do not go Christopher Columbus on the entire jungle I don't want my people to be pushed out of their homeland into tiny pittances of their old territory.


Lord of Altera
even without House Saeradan, that forest is the homeland of the Forest Elves.
if Marr not want Desert then the desert is Hammerfell
and Hammerfell was just me making up a name to excuse the fact that I really dont think anyone wants that desert except the desert people, and Engem shouldn't claim it unless theres a good cultural reason to do so.
"The Poor Farmers" was me... trying to figure out who would live in an area which I strongly believe should remain wilderness. it's the Warcamp have some respect.
it is true that the Engem have claimed protection over the caparii, so... yeah whatever those forests are taken to barbarianism I guess
my whole point there was that the nothern jungle (that has the temple of Shalherana) should not be claimed by House Senatoor, because who knows how many caparii and forsts elves might be invisibly living the the depths of that forest. maybe no characters making a caparii village town, but still. they have to be living somewhere in the Northern Kingdoms, and that jungle is the best bet.

and for the record, what I said using Falandraal as an example shouldn't be taken seriously, and I think I take it back. I don't own Falandraal, and though Falandraal is in the midst of Senatoor territory (even then, not with my edit), the truth of the matter is, that the founders of Falandraal have been at odds with the head of House Senatoor ever since he attacked Lydel. I do not expect House Hansdotter to actually swear allegiance to Senatoor, ever.
The Senatoor land is actually quite small now. After the treaty they made with Engems a few days ago.

Think of it like this. Senatoor was doing some bad things and got their but kicked. To prevent further but kicking they promised not to expand their power. Like what happened to Germany in the World Wars


Lord of Altera
The Senatoor land is actually quite small now. After the treaty they made with Engems a few days ago.

Think of it like this. Senatoor was doing some bad things and got their but kicked. To prevent further but kicking they promised not to expand their power. Like what happened to Germany in the World Wars
More like Soviet Russia. When they lost the Cold War, they were kinda restricted then, like Germany, but then instead of loosing a little of their land and giving it to a neighbour , lots of other countries broke away, kinda like what I did with GB. That doesn't mean they won't try to go all Putin on me though ...


Lord of Altera
How can you apply your laws there if anyone can just pop down a settlement and put up their own laws?
That can be taken as ic invasion. Go agead and do it ooc. But the people who claimed that area can use their military forces against them


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
That can be taken as ic invasion. Go agead and do it ooc. But the people who claimed that area can use their military forces against them
And do what? if its a peaceful town you are stuck.
I mean really this is just vanity. None of you have any real power, either ooc OR rp, over lands you have not actually purchased. You can say you have rp power, sure, and maybe if you are scary enough youll get some people to balk, but it would just be bluffing in the end.