Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
Tol'Jala has had 2 uncompleted RPs with Rose. I'd assume neutral section or forgotten, simply because he's an awkward, forgettable kid.


Lord of Altera


Lord of Altera
"I've never pulled a sword on anybody."

Rose slumps in a chair with Tybalt behind the bar, sighing.

"It was so. . .strange. I felt sick. But I acted like I didn't care. He didn't even have a weapon on him. . I managed to calm him down enough so I could walk away but. . *She takes a deep breath* I felt like I was going to be sick afterwards. . ."



Lord of Altera
Seemingly Rose has vanished into thin air, gone like the wind carried her out into the sea.
The last place she was seen was the Crossroad's.