Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
woah...I uhh...just saw her weight...I think she's a /bit/ too much on the skinny side...I'm 6'0 and, although I'm a guy and expected to be bigger, I'm only a bit away from the edge of "Too skinny to be healthy"...I'm also 140 lbs, I think 108 would indicate health issues going on, not sure if there /are/ any, just letting you know


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
woah...I uhh...just saw her weight...I think she's a /bit/ too much on the skinny side...I'm 6'0 and, although I'm a guy and expected to be bigger, I'm only a bit away from the edge of "Too skinny to be healthy"...I'm also 140 lbs, I think 108 would indicate health issues going on, not sure if there /are/ any, just letting you know
word of advice for when i make profiles is to use a bmi calculator for this


Lord of Altera
Just to clarify her sudden dramatic age increase, I am horrible at keeping good track of her progressing age.

woah...I uhh...just saw her weight...I think she's a /bit/ too much on the skinny side...I'm 6'0 and, although I'm a guy and expected to be bigger, I'm only a bit away from the edge of "Too skinny to be healthy"...I'm also 140 lbs, I think 108 would indicate health issues going on, not sure if there /are/ any, just letting you know
Thanks! I'll be sure to increase her weight a bit.

art is amazing
It was made by Cukie1 .


Lord of Altera
It seems Rose's appreance as changed. From her old life, living in constant heat as brought about change to Rose, including her skin getting darker, and an outfit change.

(Ignore staff plz)



Lord of Altera
I belive since my left of the server, there needs to be an ending to this character. I want to make public what happened between House Blackrose and myself. Though certain details have been changed in order to respect the privacy between them and I, I do not hold any remorse for publicy shaming them. Some details have also been changed to make it more fitting for the roleplay.

Nevermore, Said the Raven

One last diary entry would be left at Rose's treehouse. In it, would be to detailed account of her last day.

"Today is my last day on earth. It as been several months since I've seen anybody. I duopt anybody will care. Not like House Blackrose did. It all started when I wanted to sell Dusk Port. Nobody was coming in, there was no people. The land had no use. When I tried to sell it, the Countess of Cadwell said I never owned the land, and that it was there's. I tried lowering the price, I was five steps away from pleading and begging. But you know what? I gave no shit about the Countess OR Blackrose. They could all fall off a cliff and die for all care. Let their legacy crumble as House Azerport did. Let their shrines be toppled and buildings smashed. I hope the Theives Guild takes over and blows up that god forsaken place. That places needs to be burned. Asgar was an influence, and so was corruption. House Blackrose turned into a vile, twisted creature. I am ashamed to be apart of that House. The only fond memories I have is House Silverian, but then after his death, it went awary. Everybody around me died, besides Ithy. I wish I could hold his face again, I wish I could comfort him. I wish I could kiss him and love him like there was no tomorrow. Sadly, endings arn't like that. There are stories were some brave hero gave their life to save the day. And because of their scarfise, the good guys win and the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero never get's to see the ending, they'll never know if their scarfise was worth anything. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. An't that a bitch."


Lord of Altera
Is all this really necessary on Firegirl's thread, guys?
I'll remove anything that Firegirl wishes to be removed, but I'm not going to let some guy try to insult me personally.

*Edit* Removed both the previous joking post, and the response. Unrelated to whether or not the last journal entry is copied from something or not(Because I personally don't see reason to care), it is quite the sad...end, I suppose.
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