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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
I hide myself, not out of shame or fear.
But to be forgotten by the world, to cease to exist.
I shall be the Tea-Lady, the one of potions, and herbs.
I naught know of tea making, but to learn from the best,
a teacher I will seek, to persue my goals.
Cloaked in black, covered in iron,
may my new life being.
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Lord of Altera
Rose smiled slightly as she walked into the shrine, already, people where flooding in. She felt no fear, and as she was waiting outside for more people. . . .
She felt spider legs crawl up her back.
Rose shivered, she felt like Jirim's hand was intching it's way up her back..she ignored it, and walked into the Shrine. She told them about Jisrim, while two people did stop and correct her, this was new to her. This whole teaching thing. She had never done something like this, she was new.
"HeheheHAHAHAHAAHAHheheheh. . . ."
His laughter echoed in her mind suddenly, letting her know He was watching her. She paused, and continued.
His laughter echo'd the Catherdral, spooked, many people yelped, afraid. Rose had paused.
"It seems we have been blessed by his presence. Welcome, Jisrim."
"Hehehehehehehe. . . . ."
A giant spider suddenly landed on the back of the shrine, scuttling up until it reached a man, and it pressed it's leg onto the man's forward.
"What are you going to do, Jisrim? Or are you going to do nothing at all?"
"That is foooor meeee to knoooow."
Suddenly, it scuttled up to Rose stopping just short of her.
Rose knelt, and gave him poisoned food, and some ashes.
Rose stood back up, smiling.
"I'm glad you came, Jisrim. It is rare that the God or Goddess come to the Mortal Plane."
The spider turned suddenly. . .and was leaving, thousands of black spiders exited the Shrine near Rose, swarming around her. . .she felt. . .kinship, with these spiders, as they crawled around her, not harming her at all.
"Goodbye Jisrim! I hope to see you soon!"
And a voice echoed in her mind:
"Goooodbye, Rose."

@Somnastra @Niah



Lord of Altera
Rose is currently holed up in Silverwatch, inside her home. She's high enough that the flooding doesn't effect her, but the wind certinaly does.
She's currently hiding inside her secret basement, as her home is crumbling apart.


Lord of Altera
Is travling to the Grand Shrines by foot to get to the Grand Shrines, as the river is still flooded.


Lord of Altera
Welp. This character will become inactive due to resent, certain roleplay. I'll be playing somebody else for a bit.


Lord of Altera
Locked in a cell, locked in her mind.
She awaited for months at a time.
Finally set free, by the Black Forest Fox,
As she whispered in her ear
"There's more to come, don't do anything stupid."
Finally set free, by the one who ketp her in captivity,
only to learn one of her promices had been broken.
A life lost, a vow never made.
To protect the one she loved most, now dead and gone.
Now souless she drifts, through the land of bones n' blood.
One last vow she makes, to keep to her grave.
To kill the one who started this all.




Lord of Altera
She hides in the shadows, she hides in the light.
The killer locked up, safe and tight.
Though she worries everyday that his knife will come,
she's on her toe's, and in kingdom come.
This land we all knew, drenched in blood.
The bones of many scream to the dead.
Spiders crawl up her sides,
she's seeing black smoke in his eyes.
A monster in waiting, though he hasn't bitten yet.
He's the snakes son, with his eyes to match.
Yet she holds a secret that she dare not tell,
to break his heart, she dare not do.
Though she did it once, she will disagree.
She holds a secret she dare not tell,
rocking his cradle back n' forth.
