Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Raykay's art stuffs


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Hm? No, i just mean in that art form! XD Sorry. I mean like full body and stuff, I absolutely /adore/ her art.
Aye, I was referring to the way you worded it. Also, She does have a format for her comissions.~

Character name:
Style (gif, sketchpad, paint, etc.) :
Poses or actions:
Reference pictures:
Details or additional notes:


Lord of Altera
Character name: Rolan Nai'tal
IGN: Jrk16
Style (gif, sketchpad, paint, etc.) : sketchpad
Poses or actions: Nothing in particular other than make him look grumpy if you can. Looking at his profile can tell you what kind of look you could give him.
Reference pictures:

Details or additional notes: He's just a very grumpy 21 year old elf who is built like a beast and is really only good at being strong and fighting. Also a scar runs down his face from aboce his left eyebrow to the left corner of his mouth. Everything else can be found in his profile.

Also thanks so much, and only get this done if you find time :D
PS: I'll throw 1000 rads your way when it's done just to let you know.