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[City] Stormhold

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I think I might like it here
attention all stormholders!
cannon's snack bar is now open in the basement of my house! free crafting and smelting!
the bar sells and buys steak, melon, bread, cooked chicken, and pumpkin!


I think I might like it here
To hopefully improve my chances of becoming a resident these are screen shots of a proposed Mage Tower.
It would be 3 Stories tall and a basement for my personal residence. 1st floor is a store 2nd floor enchantments and 3rd floor brewing with mayor accessible emergency supplies for raids on the town. ie healing potions and such


Settling in Altera
Hey guys. Because people seem to have NO idea where the new forge is I'm posting here. It's as if you were going to the keep but instead of going up the keep stairs just go past them near the Town Notice Board (which is almost right under the keep). The shop is called the blackened hammer and I sell extremely cheap in town. No joke, only 100 Radiants for diamonds. And also every 10k I hit I promise to donate 3k to the town. So shop, spend, and improve our town. Good deal right? Why mine yourself, we've done it for you. Anything you don't see there, I probably have. Just leave me a notice on the board and I'll get it to you as soon as possible.


I think I might like it here
draco, is it okay to put up signs advertising my snack bar?

also, that mage tower looks AWESOME. keep up the good work malldar!


I think I might like it here
Question I am on the board as allowed to enter Alvice's house but it says Ousiders can not activate switch. Is this because I am not a resident yet?


I think I might like it here
Three various styles of buildings. I think the third one looks more Norse if any of these seem to fit the theme better let me know.


Lord of Altera
hi there, im looking for a new home and was wondering what the rules are for shops? is there a max number of items a player can sell?
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