Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Stormhold

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Grand Lizard
Foo its a bit rude to leave the town without telling the mayor, you should read town rules before you go off building.


Lord of Altera
you get 2 chest shops in the market- and if you wish you can have a shop in your house which can have as many as you want- to gain more market space just donate to me 1,000 radiants

To join you must prove yourself as a respectable role-player and a mature gamer...


Queen of the Wilds
May I make a motion that we now only use each other's RP names? Getting called Alvice is becoming... well, less than pleasant.



I think I might like it here
I am off temp ban but i cant get on it says every time when i login to the server "login failed: bad login".

by the way tell harryw i am sorry for staeling his pistons i got robbed earlier and i jumped to conclusions.
fredirek stole them from me an admin reported. kill fredirek on sight. those pistons didnt come cheap!


Lord of Altera
Foo its a bit rude to leave the town without telling the mayor, you should read town rules before you go off building.
i meant no offense kaies, didnt realize that i had to inform you i wanted to leave, i thought it better i found a new home before informing you. :)


I think I might like it here
hey draco! foohundred, zotikos and me came up with and idea that will benifit stormhold immesurably.
we thought of forming a trader's guild that is based at the work-in-progress docks. the traffic the boats bring
will speed up business even more! :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey, this city seems to have a lot of people online when I'm on... I think I should drop by.


Lord of Altera
thought i would publically apologize to ravenfrostt on here for putting holes in his keep, i am very sorry amd will explain myself.
i was hunting for sheep to fill an order i had, the only sheep i could find were next to the walls on a very high hill and every time i tried to get them down they would fall and die. i figured if i built a passage i could bring them directly in then fix the hole, i did this and just before i got to safe ground the sheep commited suicide :( in my frustration i headed out in the opposite direction to find more sheep and totally forgot about the hole i made, i think i plugged a little bit of it? anyway it wont happen again no matter what the situation. also i wasnt ignoring your messages on chat, i was in a conversation with the guy who i was making the orginal order for and didnt even realize untill you kicked me. friends ?


I think I might like it here
cannonfodder1 is now doing FREE redstone install. client must provide redstone. i have expertise with sticky and normal pistons. here is a list of contrapions that can be made by me in under 15 minutes:

safe room with piston door
required: 20ish redstone, 3 redstone repeaters, 1 lever, 6 sticky pistons

automatic melon, pumpkin or wheat farm
required: ? pistons, ? redstone, 1 lever, melon pumpkin or wheat

large piston door
required: 12 sticky pistons, 35ish redstone, lever, 6 redstone repeaters

piston lava trap
required: 12 sticky pistons, 35ish redstone, lever, 6 redstone repeaters, 4 lava buckets

NOTE: make sure you have enough room for the builds. underground will work best.


I would like to apply to this town, if possible. I just arrived to the server and I still need a little bit help to understandhow this server works, so I was just asking if I could join this town, settle down and try to get used to it.


Lord of Altera
I would like to apply to this town, if possible. I just arrived to the server and I still need a little bit help to understandhow this server works, so I was just asking if I could join this town, settle down and try to get used to it.
Of course you can join! :)
Just ask Draco, Or someone else IN game. :3 I'm not much help since I'm fairly new myself!


Lord of Altera
Look for the assistants or me :) we will gladly add you once we know you will be a good asset to the town in role-play and activity


I think I might like it here
hello everyone. i would like to make an referral to my friend tacosrawesome who would like to join the town when he is whitelisted! he is an awesome player and he understands the town lore and rules. he should be posting here soon.


I think I might like it here
it wont let me put a pic of exterior on but i can garantee its really nice! if its boring then u can fine me 400 rads
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