Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Stormhold

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frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Quick questions:

Can you explain how the economy of Stronghold works? What jobs are there, and are they for more than just the role play?
Also, what time zone are most of your citizens in? I'd like to apply for communities that I can be active in with others.
1. This thread is old and not valid anymore
2. The town is called STORMHOLD not STRONGHOLD
3. Most people are on GMT or GMT +1
4. The Jobs are mostly rp


Loyal Servant of Altera
1. This thread is old and not valid anymore
2. The town is called STORMHOLD not STRONGHOLD
3. Most people are on GMT or GMT +1
4. The Jobs are mostly rp
Wait, I know it's Stormhold, did I really type... Awkward idiot moment...

:p sorry. Thanks for responding, though.
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