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Lord of Altera
If I remember correctly, they were more Greyling on steroids. Crossbred with walruses.
Greylings are small and goblin like, the earthspawn share similar looks with orcs, but are still different, that's why I used humans... Still part walrus though.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Are we getting a big lore release for the new world? I ask because Anhald fought Griffons on their boat ride over and other guys fought Krakens. All very cool but definitely not something you'll find on Earth.

If not how common are these creatures in the new world? Are we to continue assuming these things are extremely rare? Are we still locked in to the same creatures earth wise as last time or are there more variety less? Before we more less allowed things in the old Roman Empire with a focus on Europe.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Well back on the rails...

If Grief made Moor Elves, were the other races in Altera made from specific gods as well?
Queen Grief wasn't a god- she was an Immortal King that corrupted already existing elves into something entirely different.

Once I heard (I can't remember if IC or OOC) that Jishrim made the humans. The elves had long lives to grant them wisdom to learn from their mistakes, but the humans had such short existences that they kept repeating their mistakes and sowing more seeds of chaos.

Theodra made elves I think.

(I am like 40% certain the above information. That is not a high enough percentage to take that as canon.)
I can clarify! Theodra gave the Forest Elves their traits while Sallana gave the Silver Elves theirs. Queen Grief corrupted those elves until they were unrecognizable.

Korog built the Dwarves from the first stone. Sallana made the Syrie, beautiful much like she made the Silver Elves. Jishrim did the humans. Jax had Halflings, but thats disputed in mythos. Shalherana created the Caparii to protect her forests from Jishrim's humans. Greylings, Nakam, and Earthspawn are wild cards.
(This is the old Fitz lore, very slightly not really modified)

Edit: Greylings were engineered directly by Queen Grief to serve as general minions - No one knows what existing creatures she used for them, if any creatures at all (Some argue they're corrupted halflings, other think they were once elves like the DarkElves^tm). While they were initially spawned from all of the Immortal Queen's repitoire of really-bad-things (hate, rage, evil, blah blah blah) - With the Final War and ending of Her influence they, along with Earthspawn and Moor Elves, lost these artificially terrible qualities and calmed down a little.

Due to their cunning, extreme magical aptitude, and the power of Queen Grief - Greylings molded Earthspawn from human sacrifice and the remains of Giants, among other foul and horrible things. The Earthspawn were promptly enslaved by Greylings, and used as brute strength and muscle - Being as physically capable as they lacked intelligence (dark magic isn't very kind to you). They didn't remain slaves for long (something something 'the problem with enslaving a race thats bigger and stronger than you is that they are bigger and stronger than you' -Fitz 2012)

Nakam came from seemingly nowhere, entirely off an island with a mysteriously magical core. The island somehow followed the Alteran people through Exodi, ending up in new worlds with entirely new oceans, without the native population noticing, which suggests it had world-hopping abilities. Either way, those stories are long lost, by now, as Kavdek was destroyed... Or vanished.
Some tidbits hidden in the Nakam lore alluded to this (specifically the 'southern mountains, from which visitors do not return').
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Iirc Visage was never up for actual alteration based on interaction, he was on a linear path to being what he is today.
No, it was altered by events that happened during the OOC week of plot. It had a specific sub-plot going on that no one has yet picked up on (or if they did, they never told me) that also had a lot to do with how things turned out. Some people tried influencing something previous to Visage that was similar (And spoke to a notable lack of proper lawful evil in the Pantheon) but ultimately failed and have nothing to do with the end result, since there were already plans.


There is .. well, was, I guess, a last empty shrine in the Cathedral. Visage could have gone into there as our final neutral deity and the lawful-evil aspects would have entered later on - except it happened vice versa and things never came to any fruition.
(The Pantheon was meant to be odd-numbered instead of even-numbered, but with everything that has gotten changed I doubt that is applicable anymore - Much like the old plots surrounding the Heart Prophecy, Harateth/Ignis, Silas-Visage, SWIBN, Exalted, and how Jishrim-Rahas-Shalherana all had ties to each other)

These bits of story had set-up, but never reached any points of significance or conclusion because of the obvious reasons (I got demoted).

Thats all I'm willing to spoil because I'm a silly hopeful person who cries a lot and thinks dreams can still happen.
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Magus of Nothing
No one knows what existing creatures she used for them, if any creatures at all (Some argue they're corrupted halflings, other think they were once elves like the DarkElves^tm).
Confirmed to be halflings, see the halfling lore.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
I believe so. However they are a hassle to move around and likely to be over run with calvery.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Will we be sailing to the old Sorrows when traveling there IC or is there going to be a new Sorrows south of us again?


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Will we be sailing to the old Sorrows when traveling there IC or is there going to be a new Sorrows south of us again?
Sorrowlands is more of a generic term than a geographical one, so it will be a case of "nearest landmass with resources and danger". In this case, that's southward from the new continent again, yes.
can we get Kangaroos?
I am afraid we cannot get kangaroos. ;(


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Are we getting a big lore release for the new world? I ask because Anhald fought Griffons on their boat ride over and other guys fought Krakens. All very cool but definitely not something you'll find on Earth.

If not how common are these creatures in the new world? Are we to continue assuming these things are extremely rare? Are we still locked in to the same creatures earth wise as last time or are there more variety less? Before we more less allowed things in the old Roman Empire with a focus on Europe.
Bumping my own question now that your back Cherry.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Bumping my own question now that your back Cherry.
What's that about my back? ;D

For the time being, the new beings that have been introduced will not have their own public lore threads, as the aim is to keep a degree of mystery about them for a while (they are supposed to be rather rare, as you say). This is because we want to give people a chance to actually investigate, hypothesise, or attempt to interact with the creatures before we give a big official notice on them - which, I'm thrilled to see, has already been going on, even if by "interact with" I mean "make into expensive coats"... Charming, truly.

Why have there been a significant number of sightings if they are so rare? Remember - they've not been exposed to us 'orrible lot very long, the ones that have been encountered so far have not yet learned to anticipate what Alterans are like. They've been complacent so far.

As to your final question, beyond the oddities people have been and will be starting to notice, however, the setting will remain more or less stationary around European and Mediterranean ecology.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
What's that about my back? ;D

For the time being, the new beings that have been introduced will not have their own public lore threads, as the aim is to keep a degree of mystery about them for a while (they are supposed to be rather rare, as you say). This is because we want to give people a chance to actually investigate, hypothesise, or attempt to interact with the creatures before we give a big official notice on them - which, I'm thrilled to see, has already been going on, even if by "interact with" I mean "make into expensive coats"... Charming, truly.

Why have there been a significant number of sightings if they are so rare? Remember - they've not been exposed to us 'orrible lot very long, the ones that have been encountered so far have not yet learned to anticipate what Alterans are like. They've been complacent so far.

As to your final question, beyond the oddities people have been and will be starting to notice, however, the setting will remain more or less stationary around European and Mediterranean ecology.
Is this a hint hint that less than violent rock dropping, claw ripping, arrow shooting interactions are possible? :3

Ninja Edit: In addition are we able to say Griffons reside in a general area like any other animal so long as it fits the environment? Or do we need staff approval for that? Cause I have some awesome cliffs on the big island near Arget I'd love to have some lion birds living in.