Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application [Approved-IceandFire]


(i wasnt sure where to put this, so if its in the wrong place, Im very sorry.
CharliesTired's Whitelist App:
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: CharliesTired

Age: 15

Country & Timezone: EST

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming is the use of out of character knowledge in roleplay Powergaming is the act of basically taking control of the roleplay, and not letting the other players win, or make decisions.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: My name is Charlie, Im 15. My pronouns are they/them, and im non-binary. I have ADHD, and other mental illnesses, which i greatly struggle with. I would consider myself funny, and im easy to get along with. I make a lot of jokes about my sexuality and my mental illness, but will tone it down if others are uncomfortable.

Referral: Planet Minecraft


{Character Section}
Character Name: Basil Amarzian

Age: 58

Race: Caparii

Appearance: Basil has greyish light skin, with small scars littered across his body. He has medium, reddish-brown mid-length hair, tied into a half ponytail. He has young, naive facial features. He is quite scrawny, and an average height, standing around 5'9. His leg fur is a darker brownish-red, and is well taken care of, and brushed well. He has goat-like horns, that are brown and fade into a lighter shade. His ears have various rings pierced. His eyes are also goat-like, and dark brown, With a hint of red in them.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): Basil is kind of a nomad, not belonging to any specific nation, but travels around the world. Yet he does remain close to his roots, and visits the forests of Altera, to learn the secrets of his ancestry. He tries to be a pacifist, but will protect those he loves, and will protect the forests with his life if he has to. Basil believes in the spirits and forces of nature, like his ancestors. His father was murdered by an unknown killer when he was just a toddler, and his mother had raised him until he was about 11, when she fell ill, and he had to pause his life to take care of her. A few years later, once she got better, she insisted for him to leave, and go off on his own. Basil began devoting his life to the protection of the forces of nature. He trained himself in many professions, becoming especially skilled in archery. He reached a difficult part in his life at age 24, struggling to maintain income for food and other necessities, So he began to travel around, accepting tasks from those who would pay him, and became a sort of conman to get his hands on any currency he could. Currently, he has returned to his life's goal of protection of nature, he still travels around, and if a task is offered to him, he will accept it if the pay is substantial enough. However, he can be easily manipulated into doing things that go against his beliefs, Causing him to do things that he will greatly regret. He is quite shy, and anxious, and can get hot-headed easily. His rapid mood swings make it difficult for him to open up to people, or make friends. He is tremendously caring towards those he loves, and there's not much he wouldn't do to protect them, such as his mother, who he visits constantly. He has a deep love for the animals of the forest, But has a slight fear of birds. He particularly loves chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits. He doesn't approve of hunting for sport. He understands hunting for survival, But doesn't particularly approve of it. Because of this, He only eats meat occasionally, He hasn't sworn it off completely, But prefers fruit and vegetables over meat. He tries to enjoy life as much as he can, but it's not always possible. Often, he falls into stages of depression that can last for weeks. Also, he often experiences horrible night terrors, which leads him to lose sleep quite often.
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The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Hey Charliee,

Thanks for applying! Before I can approve this, I was hoping that maybe you could edit your test a little bit for me. Currently, we would like to see the test written in the perspective of your character. Maybe a story from his past, or something that brings him to our world for discovery.

Once that is completed, I'll be happy to take another look :)


i read a few of the accepted applications, and i figure that's what you meant, so heree we go !!

Basil sighed, as he opened the door of the old, worn-down inn. He had hoped for somewhere a bit more... Sanitary, to put up his feet for a couple days, But a place to sleep is indeed, a place to sleep. He pulled a few coins from his pouch, and placed them on the desk in front of him, Where a kind-faced, old man smiled expectantly.

"Just.. Two nights, please." He said anxiously. He avoided eye contact with the man, instead looking down at the worn, wooden floor.

The old man counted the change, and nodded. He turned around to a small box of room keys, fumbling around. Once he grabbed the right key, He turned around and handed it to the Caparii, giving a warm smile. "Third floor, Second door on your right, I hope you enjoy your stay!"

Basil nodded in thanks, and began to head up the stairs. He looked at his surroundings, There were cobwebs in the corners of the ceilings, and the stairs were creaky, and weathered. He found his room, turned the key, and walked in, closing the door behind him. Almost immediately, he noticed the overwhelming smell of feces, coming from the open window. He gagged slightly, fanning the stench out the window, and shutting it. After the smell had decreased, he yawned, stretching his torso. He looked around the room, His eyes fixating on a small cot in the corner. His body ached, as he had gotten in a bit of a scuffle earlier that day, leaving him drained of almost all of his money, the reason he had to stay in this particular inn. He rubbed his eyes, plopping down onto the bed. It was softer than he expected. He stretched out, getting comfortable. He wrapped his torso up into his cloak, as the air around him was slightly frigid, and the inn did not supply blankets. He closed his eyes, And eventually drifted off to sleep.

He ran, and ran, and ran, for what seemed like forever, A small house in the distance-- The house of his childhood. He ran, and ran, and yet never seemed to get any closer. As he ran, he saw a giant, white fire begin to surround the cottage, lighting up the night. He was getting desperate, He ran as fast as he could, But he could never get any closer. He heard the sound of a window being shattered. He heard the roar of flames inching closer and closer to his home. He screamed with all the force he could muster, and yet no sound came out. He could have sworn he had seen a dark figure in the night.. Breaking into the home. His running and pleading continued for what seemed like ages, Until he finally could get closer. He burst down the door, Coughing from the smoke and soot in the air. He saw his mother, grasping someone in her arms, tears streaming down his face-- His father. He saw the blood, as it gushed out of many.. many wounds. He watched as a small toddler came running into the room, wondering why his father wouldn't wake up. Basil couldn't move, he couldn't speak. He was forced to stand and watch the tragedy of his past. He saw the white flames consuming the world around him, Coming closer with every second. And then the flames engulfed him.

He jolted awake, panting. Cold sweat trickled down his skin, and hot tears rolled down his face. Another nightmare-- He had seen this one several times in the past. The scene of his father's death. He seemed to remember every single detail. He remembered the look on his mother's face. He remembered the dim light of the flickering candles. He remembered how confused he was, Seeing his father's lifeless body. He remembered what his mother had told him that night.

"Mom, why won't Dad wake up?"

"A terrible, terrible man has taken your father from us, Basil. He has taken your father's life, and left our family in grief."


Thats probably 400 words .. I hope thats what you meant. Does it still count as violence if it was a nightmare my character had?


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
This works, thank you friend! Welcome!



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
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